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Design of heat-pump systems for single- and multi-family houses using a heuristic scheduling for the optimization of PV self-consumption

  • Heat pumps in combination with a photovoltaic system are a very promising option for the transformation of the energy system. By using such a system for coupling the electricity and heat sectors, buildings can be heated sustainably and with low greenhouse gas emissions. This paper reveals a method for dimensioning a suitable system of heat pump and photovoltaics (PV) for residential buildings in order to achieve a high level of (photovoltaic) PV self-consumption. This is accomplished by utilizing a thermal energy storage (TES) for shifting the operation of the heat pump to times of high PV power production by an intelligent control algorithm, which yields a high portion of PV power directly utilized by the heat pump. In order to cover the existing set of building infrastructure, 4 reference buildings with different years of construction are introduced for both single- and multi-family residential buildings. By this means, older buildings with radiator heating as well as new buildings with floor heating systems are included. The simulations for evaluating the performance of a heat pump/PV system controlled by the novel algorithm for each type of building were carried out in MATLAB-Simulink® 2017a. The results show that 25.3% up to 41.0% of the buildings’ electricity consumption including the heat pump can be covered directly from the PV installation per year. Evidently, the characteristics of the heating system significantly influence the results: new buildings with floor heating and low supply temperatures yield a higher level of PV self-consumption due to a higher efficiency of the heat pump compared to buildings with radiator heating and higher supply temperatures. In addition, the effect of adding a battery to the system was studied for two building types. It will be shown that the degree of PV self-consumption increases in case a battery is present. However, due to the high investment costs of batteries, they do not pay off within a reasonable period.

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Author of HS ReutlingenKemmler, Thomas; Thomas, Bernd
Erschienen in:Energies : open-access journal of related scientific research, technology development and studies in policy and management
Place of publication:Basel
Document Type:Journal article
Publication year:2020
Tag:PV self-consumption; control algorithm; heat pump
Page Number:18
First Page:1
Last Page:18
Article Number:1118
DDC classes:620 Ingenieurwissenschaften und Maschinenbau
Open access?:Ja
Licence (German):License Logo  Creative Commons - CC BY - Namensnennung 4.0 International