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Philosophie des Ökonomischen Menschenbilds

Philosophy of the economic image of the human nature

  • Since Adam Smith, the “homo oeconomicus” is the behavioural model in economics. Commonly this model characterizes a selfish individual, a kind of ruthless type, whose greed for profit seems to take precedence over moral values. Already 100 years ago, Max Weber provided a modernization of the model concerning the methodological individualism. Recent research in cognitive sciences reveals a further modernization of this standard model in economics. Neuro-economics, a highly interdisciplinary research field, is building a new behavioural consensus. This article examines the new properties of the “neuro-homo oeconomicus”. We show that the new behavioural model is rather similar to the long-standing economic prototype. To that extent, the neuro-model is more hype than hope. In principle, this article considers an ancient philosophical question about the nature of humans in general.

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Author of HS ReutlingenHerzog, Bodo
Publisher:Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia (RPF)
Place of publication:Lissabon
Document Type:Journal article
Publication year:2020
Tag:Adam Smith; behavioural economics; cognitive sciences; human nature; libertarianism; neuro-economics
Page Number:16
First Page:1161
Last Page:1186
DDC classes:100 Philosophie
Open access?:Nein