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The advent of smart cities: status quo and future research directions

  • The shift of populations to cities is creating challenges in many respects, thus leading to increasing demand for smart solutions of urbanization problems. Smart city applications range from technical and social to economic and ecological. The main focus of this work is to provide a systematic literature review of smart city research to answer two main questions: (1) How is current research on smart cities structured? And (2) What directions are relevant for future research on smart cities? To answer these research questions, a text-mining approach is applied to a large number of publications. This provides an overview and gives insights into relevant dimensions of smart city research. Although the main dimensions of research are already described in the literature, an evaluation of the relevance of such dimensions is missing. Findings suggest that the dimensions of environment and governance are popular, while the dimension of economy has received only limited attention.

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Author of HS ReutlingenBozkurt, Yusuf; Braun, Reiner; Rossmann, Alexander; Hertweck, Dieter
Erschienen in:Proceedings of the International Conferences ICT, Society, and Human Beings; Connected Smart Cities; and Web Based Communities and Social Media, 21-25 July 2020, Lisbon, Portugal
Publisher:IADIS Press
Place of publication:Lissabon
Document Type:Conference proceeding
Publication year:2020
Tag:economy; environment; governance; literature review; smart city; text-mining
Page Number:12
First Page:105
Last Page:116
DDC classes:004 Informatik
Open access?:Ja
Licence (German):License Logo  Creative Commons - CC BY-NC-ND - Namensnennung - Nicht kommerziell - Keine Bearbeitungen 4.0 International