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Response surface optimization for improving the processing behavior of melamine formaldehyde impregnation resins

  • Melamine-formaldehyde resins are widely used for decorative paper impregnation. Resin properties relevant for impregnation are mainly determined already at the stage of resin synthesis by the applied reaction conditions. Thus, understanding the relationship between reaction conditions and technological properties is important. Response surface methodology based on orthogonal parameter level variations is the most suitable tool to identify and quantify factor effects and deduce causal correlation patterns. Here, two major process factors of MF resin synthesis were systematically varied using such a statistical experimental design. To arrive at resins having a broad range of technological properties, initial pH and M:F ratio were varied in a wide range (pH: 7.9–12.1; M:F ratio: 1:1.5–1:4.5). The impregnation behavior of the resins was modeled using viscosity, penetration rate and residual curing capacity as technological responses. Based on the response surface models, nonlinear and synergistic action of process factors was quantified and a suitable process window for preparing resins with favorable impregnation performance was defined. It was found that low M:F ratios (~1:2–1:2.5) and comparatively high starting pHs (~pH 11) yield impregnation resins with rapid impregnation behavior and good residual curing capacity.

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Author of HS ReutlingenKandelbauer, Andreas
Erschienen in:Journal of applied polymer science
Place of publication:New York
Document Type:Journal article
Publication year:2020
Tag:differential scanning calorimetry (DSC); impregnation resin; process window; response surface methodology; viscosity
Page Number:17
First Page:1
Last Page:17
Article Number:50181
DDC classes:540 Chemie
Open access?:Nein
Licence (German):License Logo  In Copyright - Urheberrechtlich geschützt