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Multivariate Curve Resolution (MCR) of real-time infrared spectra for analyzing the curing behavior of solid MF thermosetting resin

  • The isothermal curing of melamine resin is investigated by in-line infrared spectroscopy at different temperatures. The infrared spectra are decomposed into time courses of characteristic spectral patterns using Multivariate Curve Resolution (MCR). It was found that depending on the applied curing temperature, melamine films with different spectral fingerprints and correspondingly different chemical network structures are formed. The network structures of fully cured resin films are specific for the applied curing temperatures used and cannot simply be compensated by changes in the curing time. For industrial curing processes, this means that cure temperature is the main system determining factor at constant M:F ratio. However, different MF resin networks can be specifically obtained from one and the same melamine resin by suitable selection of the curing time and temperatures profiles to design resin functionality. The spectral fingerprints after short curing time as well as after long curing time reflect the fundamental differences in the thermoset networks that can be obtained with industrial short-cycle and multi-daylight presses.

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Author of HS ReutlingenKandelbauer, Andreas
Erschienen in:International journal of adhesion and adhesives
Place of publication:New York
Document Type:Journal article
Publication year:2021
Tag:functionality design; in-line infrared spectroscopy; melamine formaldehyde resin cure; multivariate curve resolution
Page Number:7
Article Number:102956
DDC classes:530 Physik
Open access?:Ja
Licence (German):License Logo  In Copyright - Urheberrechtlich geschützt