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Future in-car user interfaces : Reducing operation complexity and widening feedback features

  • Automotive technology is in a state of upheaval. IN the field of human machine interface (HMI), the increasing interaction between vehicles, users, and the Internet results in an increment of controls needed, which ultimately has a negative impact on usability and overall car weight. An interdisciplinary team of researchers has been developing for the past two years more intuitive and lighter in-car user interfaces through smart textiles at Reutlingen University. With the newly developed operating and feedback properties, a 1:1 demonstrator was realized and then integrated into a car driving simulator.

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Author of HS ReutlingenLuccarelli, Martin
Erschienen in:Auto & design
Publisher:Auto e Design Srl
Place of publication:Turin
Document Type:Journal article
Publication year:2021
Page Number:4
First Page:66
Last Page:69
PPN:Im Katalog der Hochschule Reutlingen ansehen
DDC classes:380 Handel, Kommunikation, Verkehr
Open access?:Nein