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Determining the KPIs of Germany’s engineering industry based on the evaluation of contemporary business models

  • This study determines the correlation between industry-specific success patterns of Germany’s engineering industry and the business models applied within. In order to identify this correlation, the following objectives are addressed within the framework of this paper: (1) identification and description of business models used by Germany’s engineering industry; (2) analysis of industry-specific success patterns of Germany’s engineering industry by the usage of Key-Performance-Indicators (KPIs); and (3) determination of correlation between the KPIs and Germany’s engineering industry’s business models’ effectiveness. These objectives are mainly achieved by literature research and expert surveys. The findings highlight the KPIs (overall 41) that are relevant for the respective business models. This enables a better understanding of the interrelationships of the business model, in order to derive relevant conclusions. The paper contributes to the literature as it advances this field of research in Germany, and it is one of the first studies to examine the relationship between business models and industry-specific success patterns with relevant KPIs.

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Author of HS ReutlingenSteinbiß, Kristina; Petrinovic, Oliver
Erschienen in:Strategic management : international journal of strategic management and decision support systems in strategic management
Publisher:University of Novi Sad
Place of publication:Subotica
Document Type:Journal article
Publication year:2021
Tag:Germany’s engineering industry; KPIs; business model; business model evaluation; industry-specific success patterns
Page Number:34
First Page:3
Last Page:36
DDC classes:650 Management
Open access?:Ja
Licence (German):License Logo  Creative Commons - CC BY-NC - Namensnennung - Nicht kommerziell 4.0 International