Document Type
- Conference proceeding (44)
- Journal article (22)
- Book chapter (11)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- yes (78)
- Informatik (77)
- ESB Business School (1)
The shift of populations to cities is creating challenges in many respects, thus leading to increasing demand for smart solutions of urbanization problems. Smart city applications range from technical and social to economic and ecological. The main focus of this work is to provide a systematic literature review of smart city research to answer two main questions: (1) How is current research on smart cities structured? and (2) What directions are relevant for future research on smart cities? To answer these research questions, a text-mining approach is applied to a large number of publications. This provides an overview and gives insights into relevant dimensions of smart city research. Although the main dimensions of research are already described in the literature, an evaluation of the relevance of such dimensions is missing. Findings suggest that the dimensions of environment and governance are popular, while the dimension of economy has received only limited attention.
The shift of populations to cities is creating challenges in many respects, thus leading to increasing demand for smart solutions of urbanization problems. Smart city applications range from technical and social to economic and ecological. The main focus of this work is to provide a systematic literature review of smart city research to answer two main questions: (1) How is current research on smart cities structured? And (2) What directions are relevant for future research on smart cities? To answer these research questions, a text-mining approach is applied to a large number of publications. This provides an overview and gives insights into relevant dimensions of smart city research. Although the main dimensions of research are already described in the literature, an evaluation of the relevance of such dimensions is missing. Findings suggest that the dimensions of environment and governance are popular, while the dimension of economy has received only limited attention.
Autonomous driving is becoming the next big digital disruption in the automotive industry. However, the possibility of integrating autonomous driving vehicles into current transportation systems not only involves technological issues but also requires the acceptance and adoption of users. Therefore, this paper develops a conceptual model for user acceptance of autonomous driving vehicles. The corresponding model is tested through a standardized survey of 470 respondents in Germany. Finally, the findings are discussed in relation to the current developments in the automotive industry, and recommendations for further research are given.
The advent of chatbots in customer service solutions received increasing attention by research and practice throughout the last years. However, the relevant dimensions and features for service quality and service performance for chatbots remain quite unclear. Therefore, this research develops and tests a conceptual model for customer service quality and customer service performance in the context of chatbots. Additionally, the impact of the developed service dimensions on different customer relationship metrics is measured across different service channels (hotline versus chatbots). Findings of six independent studies indicate a strong main effect of the conceptualized service dimensions on customer satisfaction, service costs, intention to service reusage, word-of-mouth, and customer loyalty. However, different service dimensions are relevant for chatbots compared to a traditional service hotline.
With significant advancements in digital technologies, firms find themselves competing in an increasingly dynamic business environment. It is of paramount importance that organizations undertake proper governance mechanisms with respect to their business and IT strategies. Therefore, IT governance (ITG) has become an important factor for firm performance. In recent years, agility has evolved as a core concept for governance, especially in the area of software development. However, the impact of agility on ITG and firm performance has not been analyzed by the broad scientific community. This paper focuses on the question, how the concept of agility affects the ITG–firm performance relationship. The conceptual model for this question was tested by a quantitative research process with 400 executives responding to a standardized survey. Findings show that the adoption of agile principles, values, and best practices to the context of ITG leads to meaningful results for governance, business/IT alignment, and firm performance.
Purpose – Many start-ups are in search of cooperation partners to develop their innovative business models. In response, incumbent firms are introducing increasingly more cooperation systems to engage with startups. However, many of these cooperations end in failure. Although qualitative studies on cooperation models have tried to improve the effectiveness of incumbent start-up strategies, only a few have empirically examined start-up cooperation behavior. The paper aims to discuss these issues.
Design/methodology/approach – Drawing from a series of qualitative and quantitative studies. The scale dimensions are identified on an interview based qualitative study. Following workshops and questionnaire-based studies identify factors and rank them. These ranked factors are then used to build a measurement scale that is integrated in a standardized online questionnaire addressing start-ups. The gathered data are then analyzed using PLS-SEM.
Findings – The research was able to build a multi-item scale for start-ups cooperation behavior. This scale can be used in future research. The paper also provides a causal analysis on the impact of cooperation behavior on start-up performance. The research finds, that the found dimensions are suitable for measuring cooperation behavior. It also shows a minor positive effect on start-up’s performance.
Originality/value – The research fills the gap of lacking empirical research on the cooperation between start-ups and established firms. Also, most past studies focus on organizational structures and their performance when addressing these cooperations. Although past studies identified the start-ups behavior as a relevant factor, no empirical research has been conducted on the topic yet.
Das ZD.BB - Digitaler Hub für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen in der Region Stuttgart
Die Digitale Transformation ist eines der meistdiskutierten Themen in der heutigen Geschäftswelt. Viele Unternehmen, vor allem kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen (KMU), tun sich schwer die Chancen und Risiken der Digitalisierung einzuschätzen. Mit all den Möglichkeiten und Chancen, welche die Digitalisierung birgt, droht Unternehmen, die sich vor den Entwicklungen verschließen, der Verlust ihrer Markt- und Wettbewerbsposition. Mit dem im Februar 2019 eröffneten Digital Hub ZD.BB (Zentrum Digitalisierung) besteht in der Region Stuttgart eine neue, zentrale Anlaufstelle für Fragen rund um das Thema Digitalisierung. Am ZD.BB erhalten kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen (KMU) sowie Startups für ihre digitalen Transformationsprozesse eine kompetente Beratung und Betreuung. Sie geht von der Sensibilisierung über die Analyse bis zur Lösungsentwicklung für digitale Prozesse. Mithilfe einer digitalen Qualifizierungsoffensive und mittelstandsgerechten Methoden zur Geschäftsmodellentwicklung werden Unternehmen im ZD.BB umfassend bei ihren Digitalisierungsvorhaben unterstützt. Dazu werden in Innovationslaboren, in Coworking Spaces und bei Events unterschiedliche Kompetenzen, Disziplinen, Ideen, Technologien und Kreativität vernetzt und auf diese Weise digitale Innovationen hervorgebracht.
Today, many companies are adapting their strategy, business models, products, services as well as business processes and information systems in order to expand their digitalization level through intelligent systems and services. The paper raises an important question: What are cognitive co-creation mechanisms for extending digital services and architectures to readjust the usage value of smart services? Typically, extensions of digital services and products and their architectures are manual design tasks that are complex and require specialized, rare experts. The current publication explores the basic idea of extending specific digital artifacts, such as intelligent service architectures, through mechanisms of cognitive co-creation to enable a rapid evolutionary path and better integration of humans and intelligent systems. We explore the development of intelligent service architectures through a combined, iterative, and permanent task of co-creation between humans and intelligent systems as part of a new concept of cognitively adapted smart services. In this paper, we present components of a new platform for the joint co-creation of cognitive services for an ecosystem of intelligent services that enables the adaptation of digital services and architectures.
The rise of digital technologies has become an important driver for change in multiple industries. Therefore, firms need to develop digital capabilities to manage the transformation process successfully. Prior research assumes that the development of a specific set of digital capabilities leads to higher digital maturity. However, a measurement framework for digital maturity does not exist in scholarly work. Therefore, this paper develops a conceptualization and measuremnent model for digital maturity.