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Branding in sports
Brands are ubiquitous in the sports business. The significance of the brand is fuelled not only by the various functions that a brand performs for providers and consumers in sports, but by the monetary value that brands have come to represent for sporting organizations. As part of the commercialization and professionalization of sports, a uniform brand presence is becoming increasingly important for sporting organizations. The implication is the need for systematic and integral brand management. This chapter initially examines the key features of sports from the marketing perspective and the most important fundamentals of sport marketing. Based on this, we will demonstrate specifically how brands in sports are established and cultivated.
Relationship marketing is an important issue in every business. Knowing the customers and establishing, maintaining and enhancing long-term customer relationships is a key component of long-term business success. Considering that sport is such big business today, it is surprising that this crucial approach to marketing has yet to be fully recognised either in literature or in the sports business itself. Relationship Marketing in Sports aims to fill this void by discussing and reformulating the principles of relationship marketing and by demonstrating how relationship marketing can be successfully applied in practice within a sports context. Written by a unique author team of academic and practitioner experience, the book provides the reader with: the first book to apply the principles of relationship marketing specifically to a sports context case studies from around the world to provide a uniquely global approach applicable worldwide strong pedagogical features including learning outcomes, overviews, discussion questions, glossary, guided reading and web links practical advice for professional, semi-professional and non-professional sporting organisations a companion website providing web links, case studies and PowerPoint slides for lecturers. Relationship Marketing in Sports is crucial reading for both students and professionals alike and marks a turning point in the marketing of sports.
Ein Halo-Effekt liegt vor, wenn der Eindruck eines dominanten Merkmals die Beurteilung anderer Eigenschaften eines Objekts beeinflusst. Es handelt sich um eine kognitive Verzerrung, die zu verzerrten Beurteilungen führt. In einem sportbezogenenen Kontext ist der Halo-Effekt bislang kaum erforscht worden, obwohl dies wesentlich dazu beitragen könnte, das Denken und Verhalten von Sportfans zu verstehen. Das Ziel des vorliegenden Beitrags ist es, die Frage zu beantworten, die gleichermaßen für die Theorie und die Praxis des Sportmanagements von Interesse ist: gibt es einen Halo-Effekt im Fußball? Der Beitrag präsentiert die Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung, in deren Rahmen Fans von Vereinen aus der deutschen Fußball-Bundesliga befragt wurden.
Die meisten Manager-Jobs im Bundesliga-Fußball gehen an ehemalige Spieler. Also an Männer, die ihr Leben früh dem Fußball gewidmet und auf eine spezifische Sportmanagement-Ausbildung verzichtet haben. Bei den Vereinen findet heute ein Umdenken statt - ein erster Club bietet durch ein Konzept ganz neue Möglichkeiten: Der VFB Stuttgart hat mit der "VfB Stuttgart Akademie" ein regionales Netzwerk für Bildung geschaffen, das in Deutschland einzigartig ist.
Das Flaggschiff der VfB Stuttgart Akademie ist der sogenannte "VfB-Master", ein berufsbegleitendes Masterstudium namens "MBA Leadership and Sports Management", das eigens für die VfB Stuttgart Akademie von der HfWU Nürtingen-Geislingen und dem Deutschen Institut für Sportmarketing in enger Abstimmung mit dem VfB Stuttgart maßgeschneidert entwickelt wurde und das die beiden Themen Sport und Wirtschaft auf außergewöhnliche Art und Weise miteinander verknüpft.
For many companies, it is major international sporting events (in particular the Football World Cup or the Olympic Games) that constitute the ideal platform for the integration of their target group-specific marketing communication into an attractive sports environment. Sports event organizers sell exclusive marketing rights for their events to official sponsors, who, in return, acquire exclusive options to utilize the event for their own advertising purposes. Ambush marketing is the method used by companies that do not hold marketin rights to an event, but still use their marketing activities in diverse ways to establish a connection to it. There is still whidespread debate and confusion about the topic. Ambush marketing is often defined in different ways, by different people, according to their position as either supporters of opponents of the practice.
As long as there have been professional sports, there have been relationships on different levels. For example, sponsorship (or patronage as it was called in the early days) was mostly based on personal relations between the local benefactors and their favourite sports club. Regarding media, clubs always maintained special relationships with selected journalists. The bond between fans and their clubs was always a close and mutually beneficial one. All these relationships existed from the start of the sports business. Therefore, relationship marketing is nothing new in the context of sports. Many sporting organisations always knew to value a deep and good relationship with their stakeholders and practised relationship marketing without being aware of it. Successful sports managers, however, take the old wisdom and turn it into a modern relationship marketing approach by structuring the various relationships in order to make them more effective and profitable for the own sporting organisation and the various stakeholders. This chapter ... illustrates the many facets of relationship marketing and the possibilities it offers in the context of the sports business.
Ambush marketing in sports
A sports event organizer sells exclusive marketing rights for his event to official sponsors, who, in return, acquire exclusive options to utilize the event for their own advertising purposes. Ambush marketing is the practice by companies of using their own marketing, particularly marketing communications activities, to create an impression of an association with the event to the event audience, although the companies in question have no legal or only underprivileged or non-exclusive marketing rights for this event sponsored by third parties. So, the objective of ambush marketing is to benefit from the success of sports sponsorship without having the duties of an official sponsor.
It is fine line between creative marketing communication and infringing on sponsorship rights. From the perspective of the event organizers and sports sponsors ambush marketing represents an understandable threat, while from the perspective of the ambushers it offers the opportunity to reach the target audience in an attractive environment and at affordable cost. The paper defines and structures the phenomenon of ambush marketing and analyses the impacts of ambush marketing in sports. The results of an empirical study on the effects of ambush marketing in the frame of the FIFA Soccer World cup are presented and discussed.
Malgré une prise de conscience croissante de l'importance du management des marques au niveau du club, on note un important retard en ce qui concerne la gestion professionnelle de la marque au sein des clubs de la Bundesliga. Jusqu'à présent, les principes d'une gestion de marque identitaire ont été rarement appliqués et la plupart des clubs ont renoncé, en dépit d'un potentiel économique élevé, à la possibilité de se créer des avantages concurrentiels sur le plan économique, mais aussi au niveau sportif. Dans ce chapitre nous étudierons les facteurs de réussite de la gestion de marque identitaire des clubs de football professionnel à partir du cas concret de Borussia Dortmund.
Um nachhaltig den Umsatz zu steigern, müssen sich Fußballvereine emotional verkaufen. "Mia san mia" und "Echte Liebe" - Bayern München und Borussia Dortmund gehen beispielhaft voran. Skrupel gehen bei anderen Clubs verloren. Der vorliegende Beitrag diskutiert den schmalen Grat zwischen Tradition, Professionalisierung, Kommerzialisierung und Fan-Abzocke.
The management of football brands : brand identity management illustrated by Borussia Dortmund
Despite a growing awareness of the importance of the management of trademarks at the club level, there is a significant delay regarding the professional management of the brand within the Bundesliga clubs. So far, the principles of brand identity management were rarely applied, and most clubs have given up, despite a high economic potential, the ability to create competitive advances in economic terms, but also in sports terms. In this chapter, we will study the success factors of the management of brand identity of professional football clubs from the actual case of Borussia Dortmund.