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- Journal article (11)
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- Life Sciences (11)
- Elsevier (3)
- American Chemical Society (2)
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- Sage Publishing (1)
Here, we report the continuous peroxide-initiated grafting of vinyltrimethoxysilane (VTMS) onto a standard polyolefin by means of reactive extrusion to produce a functionalized liquid ethylene propylene copolymer (EPM). The effects of the process parameters governing the grafting reaction and their synergistic interactions are identified, quantified and used in a mathematical model of the extrusion process. As process variables the VTMS and peroxide concentrations and the extruder temperature setting were systematically studied for their influence on the grafting and the relative grafting degree using a face-centered central composite design (FCD). The grafting degree was quantified by 1H NMR spectroscopy. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to calculate the most efficient grafting process in terms of chemical usage and graft yield. With the defined processing window, it was possible to make precise predictions about the grafting degree with at the same time highest possible relative degree of grafting.
Die kontinuierliche Erfassung von Qualitätsparametern ist eine zunehmende Anforderung in der Polymerextrusion. Die optische Spektroskopie kann diese Anforderung erfüllen, da sie neben der Farbe weitere Parameter wie beispielsweise chemische Eigenschaften, Trübungsgrad oder Partikelgröße erfasst. Dabei werden für Inline-Messungen im Extruder optische Sonden eingesetzt. Im laufenden Betrieb bilden sich Ablagerungen auf den Sondenfenstern. Dieser Beitrag präsentiert ein neues Cleaning in Place Konzept, mit dessen Hilfe die Fenster auch während der Produktion ohne Unterbrechung gereinigt werden können. Auch die Kalibrierung der Messtechnik ist dabei möglich. Das verhindert Rüstzeiten und sichert eine kontinuierliche Inline-Messung.
Polyurethane thermosets have a wide range of applications. In this study, alternative raw materials were used to enhance sustainability. In two newly developed biobased polyurethanes (PUs), the cross-linker content was varied, which caused phase separation and therefore affected the turbidity. To investigate this phenomenon, UV–Vis–NIR spectroscopy was utilized. Spectra were recorded from 200 to 2500 nm in transmittance mode, and multivariate data analysis was applied to the three UV, Vis, and NIR sections separately. For the two different PU classes, each with five different cross-linker contents, classification by principal component analysis combined with linear or quadratic discriminant analysis was possible with an accuracy between 93% and nearly 100%. The best separation was achieved in the NIR range. Partial least-squares regression models were determined to predict the cross-linker content. As mentioned, the model for the NIR range is the most suitable, with the highest R2 (validation) of 0.99 for PU1 and 0.98 for PU2. The corresponding root-mean-square error of prediction values of the external validation was the lowest, with 0.82% (PU1) and 1.25% (PU2). Therefore, UV–Vis–NIR absorbance spectroscopy, especially NIR, is a suitable tool for monitoring the appropriate material composition of turbid PU thermosets in line.
For medical polymers, their surface condition is an important factor for their biocompatibility in potential applications. The occurrence of antioxidant separation, in form of additive blooming onto the material surface causes changes in the chemical composition, topography, stability and could influence the bioactivity of the medical devices. In this study, the separation of Irganox antioxidant occurring after the spin coating of polyurethane into thin films under 1 µm thickness was examined. The phenomenon was observed with different polymers from the Pellethane series. The extent of the blooming and its aftereffects were evaluated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Raman microscopy. The compatibility of Irganox with the polymers was compared on the basis of the Hansen solubility parameter (HSP) concept. Additionally, Raman imaging in combination with basis analysis was established as a viable and fast method for polymer-additive distinction. The surface coverage of the bloomed areas increased with film thickness, and with it, its impact onto the surface chemistry and topography of the thin films. Simple protein coating tests indicated that the bloomed areas slightly impact the ability of fibronectin to form protein netting structures on the surface.
Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy (SNOM) has developed during recent decades into a valuable tool to optically image the surface topology of materials with super-resolution. With aperture-based SNOM systems, the resolution scales with the size of the aperture, but also limits the sensitivity of the detection and thus the application for spectroscopic techniques like Raman SNOM. In this paper we report the extension of solid immersion lens (SIL) technology to Raman SNOM. The hemispherical SIL with a tip on the bottom acts as an apertureless dielectric nanoprobe for simultaneously acquiring topographic and spectroscopic information. The SIL is placed between the sample and the microscope objective of a confocal Raman microscope. The lateral resolution in the Raman mode is validated with a cross section of a semiconductor layer system and, at approximately 180 nm, is beyond the classical diffraction limit of Abbe.
Characterization of brain tumours requires neuropathological expertise and is generally performed by histological evaluation and molecular analysis. One emerging technique to assist pathologists in future tumour diagnostics is multimodal optical spectroscopy. In the current clinical routine, tissue preprocessing with formalin is widely established and suitable for spectroscopic investigations since degradation processes impede the measurement of native tissue. However, formalin fixation results in alterations of the tissue chemistry and morphology for example by protein cross-linking. As optical spectroscopy is sensitive to these variations, we evaluate the effects of formalin fixation on multimodal brain tumour data in this proof-of-concept study. Nonfixed and formalin-fixed cross sections of different common human brain tumours were subjected to analysis of chemical variations using ultraviolet and Fourier-transform infrared microspectroscopy. Morphological changes were assessed by elastic light scattering microspectroscopy in the visible wavelength range. Data were analysed with multivariate data analysis and compared with histopathology. Tissue type classifications deduced by optical spectroscopy are highly comparable and independent from the preparation and the fixation protocol. However, formalin fixation leads to slightly better classification models due to improved stability of the tissue. As a consequence, spectroscopic methods represent an appropriate additional contrast for chemical and morphological information in neuropathological diagnosis and should be investigated to a greater extent. Furthermore, they can be included in the clinical workflow even after formalin fixation.
The critical process parameters cell density and viability during mammalian cell cultivation are assessed by UV/VIS spectroscopy in combination with multivariate data analytical methods. This direct optical detection technique uses a commercial optical probe to acquire spectra in a label-free way without signal enhancement. For the cultivation, an inverse cultivation protocol is applied, which simulates the exponential growth phase by exponentially replacing cells and metabolites of a growing Chinese hamster ovary cell batch with fresh medium. For the simulation of the death phase, a batch of growing cells is progressively replaced by a batch with completely starved cells. Thus, the most important parts of an industrial batch cultivation are easily imitated. The cell viability was determined by the well-established method partial least squares regression (PLS). To further improve process knowledge, the viability has been determined from the spectra based on a multivariate curve resolution (MCR) model. With this approach, the progress of the cultivations can be continuously monitored solely based on an UV/VIS sensor. Thus, the monitoring of critical process parameters is possible inline within a mammalian cell cultivation process, especially the viable cell density. In addition, the beginning of cell death can be detected by this method which allows us to determine the cell viability with acceptable error. The combination of inline UV/VIS spectroscopy with multivariate curve resolution generates additional process knowledge complementary to PLS and is considered a suitable process analytical tool for monitoring industrial cultivation processes.
A lens-based Raman spectrometer is characterized by studying the optical elements in the optical path and we study the measure of aberration–diffraction effects. This is achieved by measuring the spectral resolution (SR) thus encompassing almost all optical elements of a spectrometer that are mostly responsible for such effects. An equation for SR is used to determine the quality factor Q which measures aberration/diffraction effects occurring in a spectrometer. We show how the quality factor changes with different spectrometer parameters such as grating groove density, the wavelength of excitation, pinhole width, charge-coupled device (CCD) pixel density, etc. This work provides an insight into the quality of a spectrometer and helps to monitor the performance of the spectrometer over a certain period. Commercially available spectrometers or home-built spectrometers are prone to misalignment in optical elements and can benefit from this work that allows maintaining the overall quality of the setup. Performing such experiments over a period helps to minimize the aberration/ diffraction effects occurring as a result of time and maintaining the quality of measurements.
The early detection of head and neck cancer is a prolonged challenging task. It requires a precise and accurate identification of tissue alterations as well as a distinct discrimination of cancerous from healthy tissue areas. A novel approach for this purpose uses microspectroscopic techniques with special focus on hyperspectral imaging (HSI) methods. Our proof-of-principle study presents the implementation and application of darkfield elastic light scattering spectroscopy (DF ELSS) as a non-destructive, high-resolution, and fast imaging modality to distinguish lingual healthy from altered tissue regions in a mouse model. The main aspect of our study deals with the comparison of two varying HSI detection principles, which are a point-by-point and line scanning imaging, and whether one might be more appropriate in differentiating several tissue types. Statistical models are formed by deploying a principal component analysis (PCA) with the Bayesian discriminant analysis (DA) on the elastic light scattering (ELS) spectra. Overall accuracy, sensitivity, and precision values of 98% are achieved for both models whereas the overall specificity results in 99%. An additional classification of model-unknown ELS spectra is performed. The predictions are verified with histopathological evaluations of identical HE-stained tissue areas to prove the model’s capability of tissue distinction. In the context of our proof-of-principle study, we assess the Pushbroom PCA-DA model to be more suitable for tissue type differentiations and thus tissue classification. In addition to the HE-examination in head and neck cancer diagnosis, the usage of HSI-based statistical models might be conceivable in a daily clinical routine.
The properties of polyelectrolyte multilayers are ruled by the process parameters employed during self-assembly. This is the first study in which a design of experiment approach was used to validate and control the production of ultrathin polyelectrolyte multilayer coatings by identifying the ranges of critical process parameters (polyelectrolyte concentration, ionic strength and pH) within which coatings with reproducible properties (thickness, refractive index and hydrophilicity) are created. Mathematical models describing the combined impact of key process parameters on coatings properties were developed demonstrating that only ionic strength and pH affect the coatings thickness, but not polyelectrolyte concentration. While the electrolyte concentration had a linear effect, the pH contribution was described by a quadratic polynomial. A significant contribution of this study is the development of a new approach to estimate the thickness of polyelectrolyte multilayer nanofilms by quantitative rhodamine B staining, which might be useful in all cases when ellipsometry is not feasible due to the shape complexity or small size of the coated substrate. The novel approach proposed here overcomes the limitations of known methods as it offers a low spatial sampling size and the ability to analyse a wide area without restrictions on the chemical composition and shape of the substrate.