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- Journal article (7)
- English (7)
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- Life Sciences (7)
- MDPI (4)
- American Chemical Society (2)
- Sage Publishing (1)
A lens-based Raman spectrometer is characterized by studying the optical elements in the optical path and we study the measure of aberration–diffraction effects. This is achieved by measuring the spectral resolution (SR) thus encompassing almost all optical elements of a spectrometer that are mostly responsible for such effects. An equation for SR is used to determine the quality factor Q which measures aberration/diffraction effects occurring in a spectrometer. We show how the quality factor changes with different spectrometer parameters such as grating groove density, the wavelength of excitation, pinhole width, charge-coupled device (CCD) pixel density, etc. This work provides an insight into the quality of a spectrometer and helps to monitor the performance of the spectrometer over a certain period. Commercially available spectrometers or home-built spectrometers are prone to misalignment in optical elements and can benefit from this work that allows maintaining the overall quality of the setup. Performing such experiments over a period helps to minimize the aberration/ diffraction effects occurring as a result of time and maintaining the quality of measurements.
Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) provides a strong enhancement to an inherently weak Raman signal, which strongly depends on the material, design, and fabrication of the substrate. Here, we present a facile method of fabricating a non-uniform SERS substrate based on an annealed thin gold (Au) film that offers multiple resonances and gap sizes within the same sample. It is not only chemically stable, but also shows reproducible trends in terms of geometry and plasmonic response. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) reveals particle-like and island-like morphology with different gap sizes at different lateral positions of the substrate. Extinction spectra show that the plasmonic resonance of the nanoparticles/metal islands can be continuously tuned across the substrate. We observed that for the analytes 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl) ethylene (BPE) and methylene blue (MB), the maximum SERS enhancement is achieved at different lateral positions, and the shape of the extinction spectra allows for the correlation of SERS enhancement with surface morphology. Such non-uniform SERS substrates with multiple nanoparticle sizes, shapes, and interparticle distances can be used for fast screening of analytes due to the lateral variation of the resonances within the same sample.
Porous silica materials are often used for drug delivery. However, systems for simultaneous delivery of multiple drugs are scarce. Here we show that anisotropic and amphiphilic dumbbell core–shell silica microparticles with chemically selective environments can entrap and release two drugs simultaneously. The dumbbells consist of a large dense lobe and a smaller hollow hemisphere. Electron microscopy images show that the shells of both parts have mesoporous channels. In a simple etching process, the properly adjusted stirring speed and the application of ammonium fluoride as etching agent determine the shape and the surface anisotropy of the particles. The surface of the dense lobe and the small hemisphere differ in their zeta potentials consistent with differences in dye and drug entrapment. Confocal Raman microscopy and spectroscopy show that the two polyphenols curcumin (Cur) and quercetin (QT) accumulate in different compartments of the particles. The overall drug entrapment efficiency of Cur plus QT is high for the amphiphilic particles but differs widely between Cur and QT compared to controls of core–shell silica microspheres and uniformly charged dumbbell microparticles. Furthermore, Cur and QT loaded microparticles show different cancer cell inhibitory activities. The highest activity is detected for the dual drug loaded amphiphilic microparticles in comparison to the controls. In the long term, amphiphilic particles may open up new strategies for drug delivery.
The use of surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) in liquid solutions has always been challenging due to signal fluctuations, inconsistent data, and difficulties in obtaining reliable results, especially at very low analyte concentrations. In our study, we introduce a new method using a three-dimensional (3D) SERS substrate made of silica microparticles (SMPs) with attached plasmonic nanoparticles (NPs). These SMPs were placed in low-concentration analyte solutions for SERS analysis. In the first approach to perform SERS in a 3D environment, glycerin was used to immobilize the particles, which enabled high-resolution SERS imaging. Additionally, we conducted time-dependent SERS measurements in an aqueous solution, where freely suspended SMPs passed through the laser focus. In both scenarios, EFs larger than 200 were achieved, which enabled the detection of low-abundance analytes. Our study demonstrates a reliable and reproducible method for performing SERS in liquid environments, offering significant advantages for the real-time analysis of dynamic processes, sensitive detection of low-concentration molecules, and potential applications in biomolecular interaction studies, environmental monitoring, and biomedical diagnostics.
Salivary gland tumors (SGTs) are a relevant, highly diverse subgroup of head and neck tumors whose entity determination can be difficult. Confocal Raman imaging in combination with multivariate data analysis may possibly support their correct classification. For the analysis of the translational potential of Raman imaging in SGT determination, a multi-stage evaluation process is necessary. By measuring a sample set of Warthin tumor, pleomorphic adenoma and non-tumor salivary gland tissue, Raman data were obtained and a thorough Raman band analysis was performed. This evaluation revealed highly overlapping Raman patterns with only minor spectral differences. Consequently, a principal component analysis (PCA) was calculated and further combined with a discriminant analysis (DA) to enable the best possible distinction. The PCA-DA model was characterized by accuracy, sensitivity, selectivity and precision values above 90% and validated by predicting model-unknown Raman spectra, of which 93% were classified correctly. Thus, we state our PCA-DA to be suitable for parotid tumor and non-salivary salivary gland tissue discrimination and prediction. For evaluation of the translational potential, further validation steps are necessary.
This study introduces a straightforward approach to construct three-dimensional (3D) surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) substrates using chemically modified silica particles as microcarriers and by attaching metal nanoparticles (NPs) onto their surfaces. Tollens’ reagent and sputtering techniques are utilized to prepare the SERS substrates from mercapto-functionalized silica particles. Treatment with Tollens’ reagent generates a variety of silver NPs, ranging from approximately 10 to 400 nm, while sputtering with gold (Au) yields uniformly distributed NPs with an island-like morphology. Both substrates display wide plasmon resonances in the scattering spectra, making them effective for SERS in the visible spectral range, with enhancement factors (ratio of the analyte’s intensity at the hotspot compared to that on the substrate in the absence of metal nanoparticles) of up to 25. These 3D substrates have a significant advantage over traditional SERS substrates because their active surface area is not limited to a 2D surface but offers a much greater active surface due to the 3D arrangement of the NPs. This feature may enable achieving much higher SERS intensity from within streaming liquids or inside cells/tissues.
Monodisperse polystyrene spheres are functional materials with interesting properties, such as high cohesion strength, strong adsorptivity, and surface reactivity. They have shown a high application value in biomedicine, information engineering, chromatographic fillers, supercapacitor electrode materials, and other fields. To fully understand and tailor particle synthesis, the methods for characterization of their complex 3D morphological features need to be further explored. Here we present a chemical imaging study based on three-dimensional confocal Raman microscopy (3D-CRM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), focused ion beam (FIB), diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform (DRIFT), and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy for individual porous swollen polystyrene/poly (glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethylene di-methacrylate) particles. Polystyrene particles were synthesized with different co-existing chemical entities, which could be identified and assigned to distinct regions of the same particle. The porosity was studied by a combination of SEM and FIB. Images of milled particles indicated a comparable porosity on the surface and in the bulk. The combination of standard analytical techniques such as DRIFT and NMR spectroscopies yielded new insights into the inner structure and chemical composition of these particles. This knowledge supports the further development of particle synthesis and the design of new strategies to prepare particles with complex hierarchical architectures.