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Die kontinuierliche Erfassung von Qualitätsparametern ist eine zunehmende Anforderung in der Polymerextrusion. Die optische Spektroskopie kann diese Anforderung erfüllen, da sie neben der Farbe weitere Parameter wie beispielsweise chemische Eigenschaften, Trübungsgrad oder Partikelgröße erfasst. Dabei werden für Inline-Messungen im Extruder optische Sonden eingesetzt. Im laufenden Betrieb bilden sich Ablagerungen auf den Sondenfenstern. Dieser Beitrag präsentiert ein neues Cleaning in Place Konzept, mit dessen Hilfe die Fenster auch während der Produktion ohne Unterbrechung gereinigt werden können. Auch die Kalibrierung der Messtechnik ist dabei möglich. Das verhindert Rüstzeiten und sichert eine kontinuierliche Inline-Messung.
Auf jeder Stufe der Lebensmittelkette muss von der Herstellung bis zum Inverkehrbringen eine Rückverfolgung der Produkte möglich sein. Erzeuger, Verarbeiter, Transportunternehmen und Händler stehen vor der Herausforderung, Systeme zur Rückverfolgbarkeit effizient in ihre Unternehmensprozesse zu integrieren und gegenseitig zu vernetzen. Für die betriebliche Umsetzung werden die rechtlichen Anforderungen skizziert und die Grundlagen eines Rückverfolgbarkeitssystems vorgestellt.
We report on the reflectance, transmittance and fluorescence spectra (λ=200–1200nm) of four types of chicken eggshells (white, brown, light green, dark green) measured in situ without pretreatment and after ablation of 20–100 μm of the outer shell regions. The color pigment protoporphyrin IX (PPIX) is embedded in the protein phase of all four shell types as highly fluorescent monomers, in the white and light green shells additionally as non-fluorescent dimers, and in the brown and dark green shells mainly as non-fluorescent poly-aggregates. The green shell colors are formed from an approximately equimolar mixture of PPIX and biliverdin. The axial distribution of protein and color pigments were evaluated from the combined reflectances of both the outer and inner shell surfaces, as well as from the transmittances. For the data generation we used the radiative transfer model in the random walk and Kubelka-Munk approaches.
An apparatus and method for analyzing a flow of material having an inlet region, a measurement range and an outlet region, and having a first diverter and a second diverter, and a deflection area, wherein in a first state of operation, the two diverters form a continuous first material flow space from the inlet region via the first diverter through the measurement range, via the second diverter to the outlet region, and in a second state of operation, form a continuous second material flow space from the inlet region via the first diverter through the deflection area, via the second diverter to the outlet region.
Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Analyse eines Materialstroms S mit einem Einlassbereich E, einem Messbereich M und einen Auslassbereich A sowie mit einer ersten Weiche W1 und einer zweiten Weiche W2 und einem Umlenkbereich U, wobei die beiden Weichen W1, W2 in einem ersten Schaltzustand Z1 einen durchgängigen ersten Materialdurchströmungsraum vom Einlassbereich E über die erste Weiche W1 durch den Messbereich M über die zweite Weiche W2 bis zum Auslassbereich A ausbilden und in einem zweiten Schaltzustand einen durchgängigen zweiten Materialdurchströmungsraum vom Einlassbereich E über die erste Weiche W1 durch den Umkenkbereich U über die zweite Weiche W2 bis zum Auslassbereich A ausbilden.
Die Erfindung betrifft eine Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Analyse eines Materialstroms (S) mit einem Einlassbereich (E), einem Messbereich (M) und einen Auslassbereich (A) sowie mit einer ersten Weiche (W1) und einer zweiten Weiche (W2) und einem Umlenkbereich (U), wobei die beiden Weichen (W1, W2) in einem ersten Schaltzustand (Z1) einen durchgängigen ersten Materialdurchströmungsraum vom Einlassbereich (E) über die erste Weiche (W1) durch den Messbereich (M) über die zweite Weiche (W2) bis zum Auslassbereich (A) ausbilden und in einem zweiten Schaltzustand einen durchgängigen zweiten Materialdurchströmungsraum vom Einlassbereich (E) über die erste Weiche (W1) durch den Umlenkbereich (U) über die zweite Weiche (W2) bis zum Auslassbereich (A) ausbilden.
Characterization of brain tumours requires neuropathological expertise and is generally performed by histological evaluation and molecular analysis. One emerging technique to assist pathologists in future tumour diagnostics is multimodal optical spectroscopy. In the current clinical routine, tissue preprocessing with formalin is widely established and suitable for spectroscopic investigations since degradation processes impede the measurement of native tissue. However, formalin fixation results in alterations of the tissue chemistry and morphology for example by protein cross-linking. As optical spectroscopy is sensitive to these variations, we evaluate the effects of formalin fixation on multimodal brain tumour data in this proof-of-concept study. Nonfixed and formalin-fixed cross sections of different common human brain tumours were subjected to analysis of chemical variations using ultraviolet and Fourier-transform infrared microspectroscopy. Morphological changes were assessed by elastic light scattering microspectroscopy in the visible wavelength range. Data were analysed with multivariate data analysis and compared with histopathology. Tissue type classifications deduced by optical spectroscopy are highly comparable and independent from the preparation and the fixation protocol. However, formalin fixation leads to slightly better classification models due to improved stability of the tissue. As a consequence, spectroscopic methods represent an appropriate additional contrast for chemical and morphological information in neuropathological diagnosis and should be investigated to a greater extent. Furthermore, they can be included in the clinical workflow even after formalin fixation.
The article analyzes experimentally and theoretically the influence of microscope parameters on the pinhole-assisted Raman depth profiles in uniform and composite refractive media. The main objective is the reliable mapping of deep sample regions. The easiest to interpret results are found with low magnification, low aperture, and small pinholes. Here, the intensities and shapes of the Raman signals are independent of the location of the emitter relative to the sample surface. Theoretically, the results can be well described with a simple analytical equation containing the axial depth resolution of the microscope and the position of the emitter. The lower determinable object size is limited to 2–4 μm. If sub-micrometer resolution is desired, high magnification, mostly combined with high aperture, becomes necessary. The signal intensities and shapes depend now in refractive media on the position relative to the sample surface. This aspect is investigated on a number of uniform and stacked polymer layers, 2–160 μm thick, with the best available transparency. The experimental depth profiles are numerically fitted with excellent accuracy by inserting a Gaussian excitation beam of variable waist and fill fraction through the focusing lens area, and by treating the Raman emission with geometric optics as spontaneous isotropic process through the lens and the variable pinhole, respectively. The intersectional area of these two solid angles yields the leading factor in understanding confocal (pinhole-assisted) Raman depth profiles.
Hyperspectral imaging and reflectance spectroscopy in the range from 200–380 nm were used to rapidly detect and characterize copper oxidation states and their layer thicknesses on direct bonded copper in a non-destructive way. Single-point UV reflectance spectroscopy, as a well-established method, was utilized to compare the quality of the hyperspectral imaging results. For the laterally resolved measurements of the copper surfaces an UV hyperspectral imaging setup based on a pushbroom imager was used. Six different types of direct bonded copper were studied. Each type had a different oxide layer thickness and was analyzed by depth profiling using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. In total, 28 samples were measured to develop multivariate models to characterize and predict the oxide layer thicknesses. The principal component analysis models (PCA) enabled a general differentiation between the sample types on the first two PCs with 100.0% and 96% explained variance for UV spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging, respectively. Partial least squares regression (PLS-R) models showed reliable performance with R2c = 0.94 and 0.94 and RMSEC = 1.64 nm and 1.76 nm, respectively. The developed in-line prototype system combined with multivariate data modeling shows high potential for further development of this technique towards real large-scale processes.
A laboratory prototype for hyperspectral imaging in ultra-violet (UV) region from 225 to 400 nm was developed and used to rapidly characterize active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) in tablets. The APIs are ibuprofen (IBU), acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) and paracetamol (PAR). Two sample sets were used for a comparison purpose. Sample set one comprises tablets of 100% API and sample set two consists of commercially available painkiller tablets. Reference measurements were performed on the pure APIs in liquid solutions (transmission) and in solid phase (reflection) using a commercial UV spectrometer. The spectroscopic part of the prototype is based on a pushbroom imager that contains a spectrograph and charge-coupled device (CCD) camera. The tablets were scanned on a conveyor belt that is positioned inside a tunnel made of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) in order to increase the homogeneity of illumination at the sample position. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to differentiate the hyperspectral data of the drug samples. The first two PCs are sufficient to completely separate all samples. The rugged design of the prototype opens new possibilities for further development of this technique towards real large-scale application.