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Die kontinuierliche Erfassung von Qualitätsparametern ist eine zunehmende Anforderung in der Polymerextrusion. Die optische Spektroskopie kann diese Anforderung erfüllen, da sie neben der Farbe weitere Parameter wie beispielsweise chemische Eigenschaften, Trübungsgrad oder Partikelgröße erfasst. Dabei werden für Inline-Messungen im Extruder optische Sonden eingesetzt. Im laufenden Betrieb bilden sich Ablagerungen auf den Sondenfenstern. Dieser Beitrag präsentiert ein neues Cleaning in Place Konzept, mit dessen Hilfe die Fenster auch während der Produktion ohne Unterbrechung gereinigt werden können. Auch die Kalibrierung der Messtechnik ist dabei möglich. Das verhindert Rüstzeiten und sichert eine kontinuierliche Inline-Messung.
Polyurethane thermosets have a wide range of applications. In this study, alternative raw materials were used to enhance sustainability. In two newly developed biobased polyurethanes (PUs), the cross-linker content was varied, which caused phase separation and therefore affected the turbidity. To investigate this phenomenon, UV–Vis–NIR spectroscopy was utilized. Spectra were recorded from 200 to 2500 nm in transmittance mode, and multivariate data analysis was applied to the three UV, Vis, and NIR sections separately. For the two different PU classes, each with five different cross-linker contents, classification by principal component analysis combined with linear or quadratic discriminant analysis was possible with an accuracy between 93% and nearly 100%. The best separation was achieved in the NIR range. Partial least-squares regression models were determined to predict the cross-linker content. As mentioned, the model for the NIR range is the most suitable, with the highest R2 (validation) of 0.99 for PU1 and 0.98 for PU2. The corresponding root-mean-square error of prediction values of the external validation was the lowest, with 0.82% (PU1) and 1.25% (PU2). Therefore, UV–Vis–NIR absorbance spectroscopy, especially NIR, is a suitable tool for monitoring the appropriate material composition of turbid PU thermosets in line.
For medical polymers, their surface condition is an important factor for their biocompatibility in potential applications. The occurrence of antioxidant separation, in form of additive blooming onto the material surface causes changes in the chemical composition, topography, stability and could influence the bioactivity of the medical devices. In this study, the separation of Irganox antioxidant occurring after the spin coating of polyurethane into thin films under 1 µm thickness was examined. The phenomenon was observed with different polymers from the Pellethane series. The extent of the blooming and its aftereffects were evaluated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Raman microscopy. The compatibility of Irganox with the polymers was compared on the basis of the Hansen solubility parameter (HSP) concept. Additionally, Raman imaging in combination with basis analysis was established as a viable and fast method for polymer-additive distinction. The surface coverage of the bloomed areas increased with film thickness, and with it, its impact onto the surface chemistry and topography of the thin films. Simple protein coating tests indicated that the bloomed areas slightly impact the ability of fibronectin to form protein netting structures on the surface.
Here, we report the continuous peroxide-initiated grafting of vinyltrimethoxysilane (VTMS) onto a standard polyolefin by means of reactive extrusion to produce a functionalized liquid ethylene propylene copolymer (EPM). The effects of the process parameters governing the grafting reaction and their synergistic interactions are identified, quantified and used in a mathematical model of the extrusion process. As process variables the VTMS and peroxide concentrations and the extruder temperature setting were systematically studied for their influence on the grafting and the relative grafting degree using a face-centered central composite design (FCD). The grafting degree was quantified by 1H NMR spectroscopy. Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to calculate the most efficient grafting process in terms of chemical usage and graft yield. With the defined processing window, it was possible to make precise predictions about the grafting degree with at the same time highest possible relative degree of grafting.
Soft thermoplastic polysiloxane-urea-elastomers (PSUs) were prepared for the application as a biomaterial to replace the human natural lens after cataract surgery. PSUs were synthesized from amino-terminated polydimethylsiloxanes (PDMS), 4,4′-Methylenebis(cyclohexylisocyanate) (H12MDI) and 1,3–Bis(3-aminopropyl)-1,1,3,3–tetramethyldisiloxane (APTMDS) by a two-step polyaddition route. Such a material has to be highly transparent and must exhibit a low Young’s Modulus and excellent dimensional stability. Polydimethylsiloxanes in the range of 3000–33,000 g·mol−1 were therefore prepared by ring-chain-equilibration of octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4) and APTMDS in order to study the influence of the soft segment molecular weight on the mechanical properties and the transparency of the PSU-elastomers. 2,4,6,8-Tetramethyl-2,4,6,8-tetraphenylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4Me,Ph) was co-polymerized with D4 in order to adjust the refractive index of the polydimethyl-methyl-phenyl-siloxane-copolymers to a value equivalent to a young human natural lens. Very elastic PSUs with Elongation at Break values higher than 700% were prepared. PSU-elastomers, synthesized from PDMS of molecular weights up to 18,000 g·mol−1, showed transmittance values of over 90% within the visible spectrum range. The soft segment refractive index was increased through the incorporation of 14 mol % of methyl-phenyl-siloxane from 1.4011 to 1.4346 (37 °C). Young’s Moduli of PSU-elastomers were around 1 MPa and lower at PDMS molecular weights up to 15,000 g·mol−1. 10-cycle hysteresis measurements were applied to evaluate the mechanical stability of the PSUs at repeated stress. Hysteresis values at 100% strain decreased from 32 to 2% (10th cycle) with increasing PDMS molecular weight. Furthermore, hysteresis at 5% strain was only detected in PSU-elastomers with low PDMS molecular weights. Finally, preliminary results of in vitro cytotoxicity tests on a PSU-elastomer showed no toxic effects on HaCaT-cells.
This article contains data on the synthesis and mechanical characterization of polysiloxane-based urea-elastomers (PSUs) and is related to the research article entitled “Influence of PDMS molecular weight on transparency and mechanical properties of soft polysiloxane-urea-elastomers for intraocular lens application” (Riehle et al., 2018) [1]. These elastomers were prepared by a two-step polyaddition using the aliphatic diisocyanate 4,4′-Methylenbis(cyclohexylisocyanate) (H12MDI), a siloxane-based chain extender 1,3-Bis(3-aminopropyl)-1,1,3,3-tetramethyldisiloxane (APTMDS) and amino-terminated polydimethylsiloxanes (PDMS) or polydimethyl-methyl-phenyl-siloxane-copolymers (PDMS-Me,Ph), respectively. (More details about the synthesis procedure and the reaction scheme can be found in the related research article (Riehle et al., 2018) [1]).
Amino-terminated polydimethylsiloxanes with varying molecular weights and PDMS-Me,Ph-copolymers were prepared prior by a base-catalyzed ring-chain equilibration of a cyclic siloxane and the endblocker APTMDS. This DiB article contains a procedure for the synthesis of the base catalyst tetramethylammonium-3-aminopropyl-dimethylsilanolate and a generic synthesis procedure for the preparation of a PDMS having a targeted number average molecular weight of 3000 g mol−1. Molecular weights and the amount of methyl-phenyl-siloxane within the polysiloxane-copolymers were determined by 1H NMR and 29Si NMR spectroscopy. The corresponding NMR spectra and data are described in this article.
Additionally, this DiB article contains processed data on in line and off line FTIR-ATR spectroscopy, which was used to follow the reaction progress of the polyaddition by showing the conversion of the diisocyanate. All relevant IR band assignments of a polydimethylsiloxane-urea spectrum are described in this article.
Finally, data on the tensile properties and the mechanical hysteresis-behaviour at 100% elongation of PDMS-based polyurea-elastomers are shown in dependence to the PDMS molecular weight.
The effect of hard segment content and diisocyanate structure on the transparency and mechanical properties of soft poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS)-based urea elastomers (PSUs) was investigated. A series of PSU elastomers were synthesized from an aminopropyl-terminated PDMS (M¯n: 16,300 g·mol−1), which was prepared by ring chain equilibration of the monomers octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4) and 1,3-bis(3-aminopropyl)-tetramethyldisiloxane (APTMDS). The hard segments (HSs) comprised diisocyanates of different symmetry, i.e., 4,4′-methylenebis(cyclohexyl isocyanate) (H12MDI), 4,4′-methylenebis(phenyl isocyanate) (MDI), isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI), and trans-1,4-cyclohexane diisocyanate (CHDI). The HS contents of the PSU elastomers based on H12MDI and IPDI were systematically varied between 5% and 20% by increasing the ratio of the diisocyanate and the chain extender APTMDS. PSU copolymers of very low urea HS contents (1.0–1.6%) were prepared without the chain extender. All PSU elastomers and copolymers exhibited good elastomeric properties and displayed elongation at break values between 600% and 1100%. The PSUs with HS contents below 10% were transparent and became increasingly translucent at HS contents of 15% and higher. The Young’s modulus (YM) and ultimate tensile strength values of the elastomers increased linearly with increasing HS content. The YM values differed significantly among the PSU copolymers depending on the symmetry of the diisocyanate. The softest elastomer was that based on the asymmetric IPDI. The elastomers synthesized from H12MDI and MDI both exhibited an intermediate YM, while the stiffest elastomer, i.e., that comprising the symmetric CHDI, had a YM three-times higher than that prepared with IPDI. The PSUs were subjected to load–unload cycles at 100% and 300% strain to study the influence of HS morphology on 10-cycle hysteresis behavior. At 100% strain, the first-cycle hysteresis values of the IPDI- and H12MDI-based elastomers first decreased to a minimum of approximately 9–10% at an HS content of 10% and increased again to 22–28% at an HS content of 20%. A similar, though less pronounced, trend was observed at 300% strain. First-cycle hysteresis among the PSU copolymers at 100% strain was lowest in the case of CHDI and highest in the IPDI-based elastomer. However, this effect was reversed at 300% strain, with CHDI displaying the highest hysteresis in the first cycle. In vitro cytotoxicity tests performed using HaCaT cells did not show any adverse effects, revealing their potential suitability for biomedical applications.
Knee osteoarthritis is a common complication and can lead to total loss of joint function in patients. Treatment by either partial or total knee replacement with appropriate UHMWPE based implantsis highly invasive, may cause complications and may show unsatisfying results. Alternatively, treatment may be done by insertion of an elastic interpositional knee spacer with optimized material characteristics.
We report the development of high performance polyurethane-based polymers modified with bioactive molecules for fabrication of such knee spacers. In order to tailor mechanical and tribological properties and to improve resist to enzymatic degradation we propose a core-shell model for the spacer with specifically adapted properties.