Document Type
- Conference proceeding (3)
- Journal article (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- yes (4)
- Informatik (4)
Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen (ASD) bei Kindern werden häufig zu spät diagnostiziert und die Begleitung der chronischen Krankheit gestaltet sich schwierig. Der vorgestellte Ansatz erlaubt die Behandlung der Kinder in dem bekannten häuslichen Umfeld und versucht die Beziehungen zwischen Schlaf und Verhalten herauszuarbeiten. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse sollen die Lebensqualität der Patienten verbessern und den Eltern Hilfestellung geben. Die notwendige infrastrukturelle Unterstützung wird durch medizinisches Fachpersonal geleistet, das auf einen web-basierten Service zurückgreifen kann, der sämtliche Prozesse (Diagnostik, Datenerfassung, -aufzeichnung und Training etc.) begleitet. Die anonymisierten Daten werden in einem Diagnosesystem zentral abgelegt und können so für zukünftige Behandlungsstrategien nutzbar sein. Die umfassende Lösung setzt auf zentrale Elemente von Smart-Homes und AAL auf.
Due to the rising need for palliative care in Russia, it is crucial to provide timely and high-quality solutions for patients, relatives, and caregivers. A methodology for remote monitoring of patients in need of palliative care and the requirements will be developed for a hardware-software complex for remote monitoring of patients' health at home.
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) affect a large number of children both in the Russian Federation and in Germany. Early diagnosis is key for these children, because the sooner parents notice such disorders in a child and the rehabilitation and treatment program starts, the higher the likelihood of his social adaptation. The difficulties in raising such a child lie in the complexity of his learning outside of children's groups and the complexity of his medical care. In this regard, the development of digital applications that facilitate medical care and education of such children at home is important and relevant. The purpose of the project is to improve the availability and quality of healthcare and social adaptation at home of children with ASD through the use of digital technologies.
Background: One of the most promising health care development areas is introducing telemedicine services and creating solutions based on blockchain technology. The study of systems combining both these domains indicates the ongoing expansion of digital technologies in this market segment.
Objective: This paper aims to review the feasibility of blockchain technology for telemedicine.
Methods: The authors identified relevant studies via systematic searches of databases including PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, IEEE Xplore, and Google Scholar. The suitability of each for inclusion in this review was assessed independently. Owing to the lack of publications, available blockchain-based tokens were discovered via conventional web search engines (Google, Yahoo, and Yandex).
Results: Of the 40 discovered projects, only 18 met the selection criteria. The 5 most prevalent features of the available solutions (N=18) were medical data access (14/18, 78%), medical service processing (14/18, 78%), diagnostic support (10/18, 56%), payment transactions (10/18, 56%), and fundraising for telemedical instrument development (5/18, 28%).
Conclusions: These different features (eg, medical data access, medical service processing, epidemiology reporting, diagnostic support, and treatment support) allow us to discuss the possibilities for integration of blockchain technology into telemedicine and health care on different levels. In this area, a wide range of tasks can be identified that could be accomplished based on digital technologies using blockchains.