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- Conference proceeding (4)
- Journal article (2)
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Die zunehmende Technologie- und Produktkomplexität führen dazu, dass sich immer mehr Unternehmen für ihre F&E mit externen Organisationen vernetzen. So entstehen interorganisationale F&E-Projekte, welche temporäre Organisationen darstellen. Forschungsfragen zu diesen Projekten sind u.a. hinsichtlich der Praktiken und Verhaltensregeln offen. Über ein kulturbewusstes Projektmanagement können kooperations- und innovationsförderliche Praktiken und Verhaltensregeln aufgebaut werden, die für diese F&E-Projekte essenziell sind. So ist die Forschungsfrage dieses Beitrags, wie ein projektkulturbewusstes Management interorganisationaler F&E-Projekte erfolgen kann. Dafür wird auf Basis der theoretischen Grundlagen zum F&E-Projektmanagement, zu menschlichen Handlungssystemen und Ebenen der Zusammenarbeit, zu Kultur und Verhalten ein projektkulturbewusstes Management-Modell entwickelt. Das Modell umfasst zwei Teile. Im ersten Teil wird der Bereich aufgezeigt, in welchem sich die Projektkultur entwickelt. Im zweiten Teil wird aufgezeigt, wie die Faktoren für ein wahrscheinlich kooperatives und innovatives Verhalten innerhalb dieses Bereiches gestaltet werden sollten.
This paper takes a holistic view on an IP-traceability process in interorganizational R&D projects, as a particular Open innovation mode, aiming at showing different technologies which can be used in the front and backend of a traceability process and discussing these technologies in terms of their suitability for data from creativity processes in these projects. To achieve this goal a two-stage literature review on different technologies in the context of traceability was conducted. Then, criteria were derived from the characteristics of data from creativity processes and of interorganizational R&D projects, with which the resulting technologies were discussed. At the end, recommendations regarding suitable technologies for tracing individual creativity artifacts in interorganizational R&D projects were given.
Since project managers still face problems in managing interorganizational R&D projects, it is a promising approach to manage these projects project-culturally-aware. However, an important prerequisite for a project-culture-aware management is that the involved individual organizations pursue a collaborative strategy. Therefore, our article provides a conceptual approach including a new tool, the Collaborative Iron Triangle, which supports both project sponsors and managers in different phases of the collaboration process to pursue a collaborative strategy in interorganizational R&D projects.
A closed-loop control for a cooperative innovation culture in interorganizational R&D projects
Since project managers only have a limited authority in interorganizational R&D projects a cooperative innovation culture is essential for team cohesion and thus for achieving project scope in time and cost. For its development different factors depending on underlying values are essential. These factors must be learned iteratively by the project members so that they are living the values of a cooperative innovation culture. Hence, this paper raises the following research question: “How to control living the values of a cooperative innovation culture in interorganizational R&D projects?” To answer this question, a closed-loop control for a cooperative innovation culture is developed. The developed closed-loop control system includes several different functional units which show essential roles and several different variables which show what to consider and design in the control system. In addition, the developed closed-loop control system is generalized for other types of projects such as intraorganizational projects.
Project managers still face management problems in interorganizational Research and Development (R&D) projects due to their limited authority. Addressing a project culture which is conducive to cooperation and innovation in interorganizational R&D project management demands commitment of individual project members and thus balances this limited authority. However, the relational collaboration level at which project culture manifests itself is not addressed by current project management approaches, or it is addressed only at a late stage. Consequently, project culture develops within a predefined framework of project organization and organized contents and thus is not actively targeted. Therefore, a focus shift towards project culture becomes necessary. This can be done by a project-culture-aware management. The method CLIPS actively supports interorganizational project members in this kind of management. It should be integrable in the common project management approaches, that with its application all collaboration levels are addressed in interorganizational R&D project management. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the integrability of the method CLIPS and show how it can be integrated in common project management approaches. This enriches interorganizational R&D project management by a project culture focus.
Because of a high product and technology complexity, companies involve external partners in their research and development (R&D) processes. Interorganizational projects result, which represent temporary organizations. In these projects heterogenous organizations work closely together. Since project work is always teamwork, these projects face due to their characteristic’s major challenges on an organizational, relational, and content-related collaboration level. Thus, this paper raises the following research question: “How can a project team be supported on an organizational, relational, and content-related level in an interorganizational new product development setting?” To answer this research question, an explorative expert study was set up with two digital workshops using the interactive presentation tool Mentimeter. The results show that a cooperative innovation culture could support project teams on an organizational and relational level in the future in minimizing predominant problems. Moreover, it supports project teams for example in a functional communication. Furthermore, 18 values of a cooperative innovation culture result which are for example openness and transparency, risk and failure tolerance or respect. On a content-related level the results show that an adaptable tool which promotes creativity and collaboration method as well as content-related input support could be beneficial for problem-solving in an interorganizational new product development setting in the future. Because the tool can guide product developers through the process with suitable creativity and collaboration methods, can give content-related input and can enable interactive interchange on a table-top. Future research could mainly focus on the connection of the cooperative innovation culture and the tool since these potentially influence each other.