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- Informatik (9)
With the digital transformation being one of the most discussed topics in the business world today, many enterprises – especially small and medium sized ones – find themselves struggling with the understanding of new digital technologies and thus the potential benefits and risks for their companies. New technologies like the Internet of Things, Blockchain or Machine Learning have great potential for businesses. However, carefully evaluating and selecting purposeful technologies – aligned to the digital strategy – is the key to success. Technologies appear, change and also vanish so rapidly in the digital age, that a proper understanding is crucial for a sustainable technological foundation. Focusing on the characteristic features of technologies, the presented approach promises to create a better technological understanding for decision makers in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in a playful manner: With a serious game that fosters insight and allays fears of digitalization.
Das ZD.BB - Digitaler Hub für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen in der Region Stuttgart
Die Digitale Transformation ist eines der meistdiskutierten Themen in der heutigen Geschäftswelt. Viele Unternehmen, vor allem kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen (KMU), tun sich schwer die Chancen und Risiken der Digitalisierung einzuschätzen. Mit all den Möglichkeiten und Chancen, welche die Digitalisierung birgt, droht Unternehmen, die sich vor den Entwicklungen verschließen, der Verlust ihrer Markt- und Wettbewerbsposition. Mit dem im Februar 2019 eröffneten Digital Hub ZD.BB (Zentrum Digitalisierung) besteht in der Region Stuttgart eine neue, zentrale Anlaufstelle für Fragen rund um das Thema Digitalisierung. Am ZD.BB erhalten kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen (KMU) sowie Startups für ihre digitalen Transformationsprozesse eine kompetente Beratung und Betreuung. Sie geht von der Sensibilisierung über die Analyse bis zur Lösungsentwicklung für digitale Prozesse. Mithilfe einer digitalen Qualifizierungsoffensive und mittelstandsgerechten Methoden zur Geschäftsmodellentwicklung werden Unternehmen im ZD.BB umfassend bei ihren Digitalisierungsvorhaben unterstützt. Dazu werden in Innovationslaboren, in Coworking Spaces und bei Events unterschiedliche Kompetenzen, Disziplinen, Ideen, Technologien und Kreativität vernetzt und auf diese Weise digitale Innovationen hervorgebracht.
The relevance of technology knowledge in digital transformation especially in small and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs) that are still largely dependent on physical human capital has become increasingly obvious. This is due to the rapid revolution in business environment coupled with increased living examples of firms disrupted by advancement in technological knowledge. Consequently, we find it progressively vital for SMEs to spot and mitigate both threats and take advantage of opportunities arising from digital transformation dynamism.
Our study aims at exploring the relevance of technology knowledge in SMEs for digital transformation to uncover the opportunities, roadmaps, and models that SMEs can take advantage of in the digital transformation and gain a competitive edge.
We conclude that irrespective relevance of technology knowledge for digital transformation coupled with its low costs and accessibility, SMEs are yet to realize the full potential of technological knowledge. This is mainly due to technologies appearing, changing and also vanishing so rapidly in the digital age, that gaining proper understanding without dedicated resources is utterly difficult for SMEs - making them less competitive as incumbent large firms in the market.
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) which play substantial role in the development of any economy have been on the rise in the recent periods. Consequently, these enterprises are faced with a myriad of challenges which could potentially be solved through adoption of technology. Nonetheless, it has been observed that the new technological uptake among SMEs remains limited with the majority of them opting to maintain the status quo with regards to technology awareness and innovation strategies.
In a literature review, this paper explores three major dynamics curtailing adoption of new technologies by SMEs in the manufacturing: Knowledge absorptive capacity and management factors, organisational structures as well as technological awareness. Firstly, with regards to knowledge absorptive capacity and management factors, this study shows how these factors drive innovation potentials in SMEs.
Secondly, with regards to technological awareness factors, this study documents how perceived usefulness, costs, network and infrastructure, education and skills, training and attitude as well as knowledge influence adoption of new technologies among SMEs in the world. Lastly, the study concludes by analysing how organisational structures drive innovation potentials of SMEs in the wake of swift and profound technological changes in the market.
Big Data wird aktuell als einer der Haupttrends der IT-Industrie diskutiert. Big Data d. h. auf Basis großer Mengen unterschiedlich strukturierter Daten die Entscheidungen in Echtzeit oder prognostisch zu treffen. Von hochleistungsfähigen, schnell verfügbaren Prognoseverfahren erhofft man sich eine Risikominimierung für unternehmerische Entscheidungen in hochvolatilen Märkten.
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a fundamental role in the economic system of the European Union: SMEs represent over 99 percent of all companies and provide two-thirds of the jobs in the private sector. Their innovativeness and economic success have significant influence on growth, jobs and prosperity in Europe.
Information technologies are regarded as key drivers of innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). Modern information technologies (IT) offer SMEs today many opportunities to improve their competitiveness and market position. Thus, business processes can be designed efficiently, open up new market segments and strengthen the innovation capacity significantly. However, many SMEs still have difficulties in utilizing these new technologies efficiently in order to foster process and product innovation. This is partly due to the fact that many SMEs don’t use IT Service Management and waste resources in running basic IT-functions like the maintenance of printers, software or servers.
Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) is a discipline for managing IT systems centred on the customer’s perspective of IT’s contribution to the business. Thus, by strengthening the performance of SME’s IT departments, ITSM enables process innovation (e.g. eProcurement) and product innovations (e.g. client services) can be promoted. The EU-funded project "IT Service Management for small and medium-sized Enterprises of the Danube Region" (ITSM4SME) aims to make SMEs in the Danube Region aware of the potential of ITSM, to inspire SMEs about the use of information technology and to allow IT-enabled innovations. The aims of the project have been achieved inter alia through a simplified method for IT service management for small IT organisations, practical case studies, a "do-it-yourself" service management modelling tool, an eLearning portal and by training more than 300 participants from SMEs in pilot training courses in Bulgaria, Romania and Slovenia.
46 Prozent der Arbeitsplätze in der Automobilindustrie sind bis 2030 durch Automatisierung und Digitalisierung bedroht – die Tätigkeiten werden dann nicht mehr von Menschen, sondern von intelligenten Robotern und Systemen erledigt. Das ist das zentrale Ergebnis unserer Studie „Digitale Transformation – Der Einfluss der Digitalisierung auf die Workforce in der Automobilindustrie“, die wir gemeinsam mit dem Herman Hollerith Lehr- und Forschungszentrum an der Hochschule Reutlingen erstellt haben.
With the Internet of Things being one of the most discussed trends in the computer world lately, many organizations find themselves struggling with the great paradigm shift and thus the implementation of IoT on a strategic level. The Ignite methodoogy as a part of the Enterprise-IoT project promises to support organizations with these strategic issues as it combines best practices with expert knowledge from diverse industries helping to create a better understanding of how to transform into an IoT driven business. A framework that is introduced within the context of IoT business model development is the Bosch IoT Business Model Builder. In this study the provided framework is compared to the Osterwalder Business Model Canvas and the St. Gallen Business Model Navigator, the most commonly used and referenced frameworks according to a quantitative literature analysis.
Smart meter based business models for the electricity sector : a systematical literature research
The Act on the Digitization of the Energy Transition forces German industries and households to introduce smart meters in order to save engery, to gain individual based electricity tariffs and to digitize the energy data flow. Smart meter can be regarded as the advancement of the traditional meter. Utilizing this new technology enables a wide range of innovative business models that provide additional value for the electricity suppliers as well as for their customers. In this study, we followed a two-step approach. At first, we provide a state-of-the-art comparison of these business models found in the literature and identify structural differences in the way they add value to the offered products and services. Secondly, the business models are grouped into categories with respect to customer segmetns and the added value to the smart grid. Findings indicate that most business models focus on the end-costumer as their main customer.