Document Type
- Journal article (3)
- English (3)
Is part of the Bibliography
- yes (3)
- Elsevier (2)
- Sakarya University (1)
In the last decade, numerous learning factories for education, training, and research have been built up in industry and academia. In recent years learning factory initiatives were elevated from a local to a European and then to a worldwide level. In 2014 the CIRP Collaborative Working Group (CWG) on Learning Factories enables a lively exchange on the topic "Learning Factories for future oriented research and education in manufacturing". In this paper results of discussions inside the CWG are presented. First, what is meant by the term Learning Factory is outlined. Second, based on the definition a description model (morphology) for learning factories is presented. The morphology covers the most relevant characteristics and features of learning factories in seven dimensions. Third, following the morphology the actual variance of learning factory manifestations is shown in six learning factory application scenarios from industrial training over education to research. Finally, future prospects of the learning factory concept are presented.
In academia and industry learning factories are established as close-to-reality learning environments for education and training in the manufacturing domain. Although the approach and concept of existing learning factories is often similar, orientation and design of individual facilities are diverse. So far, there is no structured framework to describe learning factory approaches. In the paper a multidimensional description model is presented in form of a morphology which can be used as a starting point for the structuring and classification of existing learning factory application scenarios as well as a support for the development and improvement of learning factory approaches.
Learning factories present a promising environment for education, training and research, especially in manufacturing related areas which are a main driver for wealth creation in any nation. While numerous learning factories have been built in industry and academia in the last decades, a comprehensive scientific overview of the topic is still missing. This paper intends to close this gap establishing the state of the art of learning factories. The motivations, historic background, and the didactic foundations of learning factories are outlined. Definitions of the term learning factory and the corresponding morphological model are provided. An overview of existing learning factory approaches in industry and academia is provided, showing the broad range of different applications and varying contents. The state of the art of learning factories curricula design and their use to enhance learning and research as well as potentials and limitations are presented. Conclusions and an outlook on further research priorities are offered.