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- yes (19)
- ESB Business School (18)
- Technik (1)
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- Universität Tübingen (4)
- Steinbeis (2)
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- Hochschule Reutlingen (1)
- Koordinierungsstelle Forschung und Entwicklung der Fachhochschulen des Landes Baden-Württemberg (1)
- LIT Verlag (1)
- Umwelttechnik BW GmbH (1)
- WGTL (1)
In order to decouple economic growth from global material consumption it is necessary to implement material efficiency strategies at the level of single enterprises and their supply chains, and to implement circular economy aspects. Manufacturing firms face multiple implementation challenges like cost limitations, competition, innovation and stakeholder pressure, and supplier and customer relationships, among others. Taking as an example a case of a medium-sized manufacturing company, opportunities to realise material efficiency improvements within the company borders - on the supply chain and by using circular economy measures - are assessed. Deterministic calculations and simulations, performed for the supply chain of this company, show that measures to increase material efficiency in the supply chain are important. However, they need to be complemented by efforts to return waste and used products to the economic cycle, which requires rethinking the traditional linear economic system.
It has not yet been possible to achieve the desired aim of decoupling economic growth from global material demand. Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) represent the backbone of most industrialized economies. Although material efficiency is of vital importance for many SMEs, few of them actually treat it as their top priority. There is a cornucopia of tools and methods available, which can be used for material efficiency purposes. These, however, have gained little groud in the SME-field. This work deals with the enabling factors for material efficiency improvements in manufacturing SMEs and projections towards aspects of supply chain and circular economy. A multi-disciplinary decoupling approach for manufacturing SMEs and an implementation roadmap for further practical development are proposed. The approach combines appropriate complexity of technology and socio-economic considerations. It enables a connection to existing methods and the implementation of established information technologies.
In order to decouple economic growth from global material consumption it is necessary to implement material efficiency strategies at the level of single enterprises and their supply chains, and to implement circular economy aspects. Manufacturing firms face multiple implementation challenges like cost limitations, competition, innovation and stakeholder pressure, and supplier and customer relationships, among others
. An extended evaluation of triggers and barriers to improve material efficiency in manufacturing companies, along the supply chain and concerning circular economy considerations is provided. This paper delivers an extended literature review, a critical discussion of the current situation and resulting challenges concerning material efficiency approaches in manufacturing supply chains. Finally, a conclusion and outlook on further research direction is given.
In der Vergangenheit ist der Materialfluss meist mit der Produktion gewachsen. Mit steigender Produkt-Individualität erhöht sich die Anzahl der zu fertigenden Varianten in der Produktion und somit die Komplexität der Materialflüsse. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Möglichkeiten und Methoden zur Aufnahme und Optimierung von Materialflüssen im Zusammenhang mit hoher Variantenvielfalt untersucht.
Mature economies which are driven mainly by small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are increasingly becoming dependent on material imports. Global material consumption is ever increasing, mainly driven by population increases. Decoupling of material consumption from economic growth is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. Within this paper available methods for the assessment of material efficiency on different economic scales are investigated and those detected that are particulary suitable for the use in SMEs. Recommendations for further improvements of the selected tools and an outlook concerning planned research activities in the field of material efficiency in enterprises, supply chains and circular economy aspects are given.
Der Sondermaschinenbau ist durch eine hohe Variantenvielfalt und komplexe Materialflüsse charakterisiert (Reinhart, Bredow & Pohl, 2009, S. 131). Die vorliegende Publikation stellt die im Zuge eines Praxisprojekts angewendeten Vorgehensweisen zur Materialflussoptimierung im Sondermaschinenbau vor. Dabei werden Erfahrungswerte und Hindernisse herausgearbeitet.
It has not yet been possible to achieve the desired aim of decoupling economic growth from global material demand. Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) represent the backbone of most industrialized economies. Although material efficiency is of vital importance for many SMEs, few of them actually treat it as their top priority. There is a cornucopia of tools and methods available which can be used for material efficiency purposes. These, however, have gained little ground in the SME-field. This work deals with the enabling factors for material efficiency improvements in manufacturing SMEs and projections towards aspects of supply chain and circular economy. A multi-disciplinary decoupling approach for manufacturing SMEs and an implementation roadmap for further practical development are proposed. The approach combines appropriate complexity of technology and socio-economic considerations. It enables a connection of existing methods and the implementation of established information technologies.
Das Thema Energiewende ist in aller Munde. Sie soll eine sichere, umweltverträgliche und wirtschaftlich erfolgreiche Zukunft ermöglichen. Ein Ansatz dafür ist die dezentrale, also verbrauchernahe Energieversorgung. Der Trend geht weg vom konventionellen Kraftwerk und hin zur Kraft-Wärme-Koppelung und erneuerbaren Energien. Für einen absehbaren Zeitraum geht es auch darum, zentrale und dezentrale Elemente sinnvoll miteinander zu verknüpfen. Mit der Frage, wie Energiesysteme angepasst und kombiniert werden müssen, um den Energiehaushalt – den nationalen wie den von Unternehmen und Privatpersonen – optimieren zu können, beschäftigt sich das Reutlinger Energiezentrum für Dezentrale Energiesysteme und Energieeffizienz in Lehre und Forschung. Es ist die Kombination aus Technik und Betriebswirtschaft, aus einzelwirtschaftlicher Optimierung und aus Gesamtsicht, die das Reutlinger Energiezentrum ausmacht. Im Folgenden werden die Schwerpunkte des Forschungsteams dargestellt.
Energy efficiency is an important issue, especially following the introduction of new energy services legislation in Germany. One thing that is often overlooked is the biggest cost driver in the processing industry: material expenditures. To make full use of any potential cost savings and raise competitiveness, companies have to look very carefully at all material flows. This raises the important question of how to organize resource efficiency projects strategically and in terms of operational implementation. The Steinbeis Transfer Center for Energy and Environmental Process Technology, Eco-Management is demonstrating the different options open to manufacturing companies when it comes to resource efficiency – showing that it really is worth subjecting the issue to closer scrutiny.