Document Type
- Conference proceeding (5)
- Journal article (1)
Has full text
- yes (6)
Is part of the Bibliography
- yes (6)
- Informatik (5)
- ESB Business School (1)
- Springer (4)
- Elsevier (1)
- Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V (1)
Der lokale Bekleidungseinzelhandel steht unter immer stärkerem Konkurrenzdruck durch Versandunternehmen. Zusätzlich bestehen durch gewachsene Architekturen eine Reihe von Wachstumshemmnissen. Daher sollen hier eine Reihe von Ansätzen zur Gestaltung datenzentrierter Unternehmensarchitekturen für den Bekleidungseinzelhandel vorgestellt werden. Sie basieren auf dem Einsatz von RFID zur Gewinnung von Kundenprofilen in den Niederlassungen und dem Einsatz von Big-Data basierten Auswertungs- und Analysemechanismen. Mit den vorgestellten Konzepten ist es Unternehmen des Bekleidungseinzelhandels möglich, ähnlich wie Versandunternehmen, individuelle Ansprachen des Kunden und Angebote zu entwickeln
New business concepts such as Enterprise 2.0 foster the use of social software in enterprises. Especially social production significantly increases the amount of data in the context of business processes. Unfortunately, these data are still an unearthed treasure in many enterprises. Due to advances in data processing such as Big Data, the exploitation of context data becomes feasible. To provide a foundation for the methodical exploitation of context data, this paper introduces a classification, based on two classes, intrinsic and extrinsic data.
Leveraging textual information for improving decision making in the business process lifecycle
Business process implementations fail, because requirements are elicited incompletely. At the same time, a huge amount of unstructured data is not used for decision-making during the business process lifecycle. Data from questionnaires and interviews is collected but not exploited because the effort doing so is too high. Therefore, this paper shows how to leverage textual information for improving decision making in the business process lifecycle. To do so, text mining is used for analyzing questionnaires and interviews.
Excellence in IT is a key enabler for the digital transformation of enterprises. To realize the vision of digital enterprises it is necessary to cope with changing business requirements and to align business and IT. In order to evaluate the contribution of enterprise architecture management to these goals, our paper explores the impact of various factors to the perceived benefit of EAM in enterprises. Based on literature, we build an empirical research model. It is tested with empirical data of European EAM experts using a structural equation modelling approach. It is shown that changing business requirements, IT business alignment, the complexity of information technology infrastructure as well as enterprise architecture knowledge of information technology employees are crucial impact factors to the perceived benefit of EAM in enterprises.
An enormous amount of data in the context of business processes is stored as images. They contain valuable information for business process management. Up to now this data had to be integrated manually into the business process. By advances of capturing it is possible to extract information from an increasing number of images. Therefore, we systematically investigate the potentials of Image Mining for business process management by a literature research and an in-depth analysis of the business process lifecycle. As a first step to evaluate our research, we developed a prototype for recovering process model information from drawings using Rapidminer.
With the digital transformation, companies will experience a change that focuses on shaping the organization into an agile organizational form. In today's competitive and fast-moving business environment, it is necessary to react quickly to changing market conditions. Agility represents a promising option for overcoming these challenges. The path to an agile organization represents a development process that requires consideration of countless levels of the enterprise. This paper examines the impact of digital transformation on agile working practices and the benefits that can be achieved through technology. To enable a solution for today's so-called VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity und Ambiguity) world, agile ways of working can be applied project management requires adaptation. In the qualitative study, expert interviews were conducted and analyzed using the grounded theory method. As a result, a model can be presented that shows the influencing factors and potentials of agile management in the context of the digital transformation of medium-sized companies.