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- Conference proceeding (30)
- Journal article (25)
- Book chapter (1)
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- yes (56)
- ESB Business School (56)
- Elsevier (29)
- Stellenbosch University (8)
- LIT Verlag (3)
- Springer (3)
- Technische Universität Chemnitz (3)
- Curran Associates Inc. (1)
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- Leibniz-Universität Hannover (1)
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- Next Level Interactive (1)
Strategy to adjust people’s performance capabilities to new requirements and grantee employability in the world of work. Good examples for this are the current changes in the logistics environment. Regularly, new services and processes close to production were taken into the portfolio of logistics enterprises, so the daily Tasks are changing continuously for the skilled works.
LOPEC aims in developing and offering special-tailored training for Lean Logistics and required basic skills for skilled workers on shopfloor level. Needed know-how for today’s challenges in logistics will be transferred. Another aspect of LOPEC is the development and use of a personal excellence self-assessment that allows a Person to assess and thus improve his/her own level of maturity in employability skills. Thus, LOPEC is aiming at People ehancement as entry ticket to lifelong continuous learning by increasing the maturity level of personal logistic excellence. A common European view for “Logistics personal excellence” for skilled workers will ensure that the final product is an open product, using international, pan European validated standards. As results LOPEC will provide training modules for post-secondary education in the area of Lean Logistics, required basics skills and offers transparency of personal excellence with a personal self-assessment Software solution, regarding the personal maturity Level of hard and soft skills at any time. It can be used as an innovative tool for monitoring personal lifelong learning routes as well as within companies as a strategic tool within Human Resource Development.
Fundamentale Veränderungen der heutigen Arbeitswelt stellen Menschen, Systeme, Prozesse und ganze Organisationen vor erhebliche Herausforderungen. Der Faktor Mensch leistet in allen Bereichen dieses Wirkgefüges einen essentiellen Beitrag zum Wettbewerbsvorteil vieler produzierender Unternehmen am Standort Deutschland. Der Wandel von Automatisierung zu selbststeuernden Unternehmen geht dabei nicht spurlos an dem wandlungsfähigsten Glied dieses Gefüges, dem Menschen, vorüber. Belastungsarten verändern sich, singuläre Bewältigungsstrategien genügen nicht mehr, um einen optimalen Beanspruchungszustand jedes einzelnen Individuums zu erreichen und gleichzeitig das höchstmögliche Potenzial zu schöpfen. Das Belastungs- und Beanspruchungscockpit bildet einen Lösungsansatz zur systematischen und durchgängigen Bewertung von Belastungszuständen und der individuellen Beanspruchung von Beschäftigten an Montagearbeitsplätzen. Es liefert in Echtzeit Informationen zum Belastungs- und Beanspruchungszustand des Mitarbeiters und kann mit Ergonomiebewertungsverfahren verknüpft werden. Der Aspekt der Multidimensionalität umfasst die Bewertung verschiedener Indikatoren unter Betrachtung ihrer Wirkzusammenhänge.
System- und Schnittstellenbeherrschung, Ideen- und Innovationsmanagement sowie die virtuell integrierte Produkt- und Prozessplanung sind zu entwickelnde Kompetenzen, die der veränderten Rolle des Menschen in der Industrie 4.0 Rechnung tragen. Dezidiert adressiert werden können diese in zukunftsweisend ausgerüsteten Lernfabriken.
The planning and control of intralogistics systems in line with versatile production systems of smart factories requires new approaches and methods to cope with changing requirements within future factories. The planning of intralogistics can no longer follow a static, sequential approach as in the past since the planning assumptions are going to change in a high frequency. Reasons for these constant changes are amongst others external turbulences like rapidly changing market conditions, decreasing batch sizes down to customer-specific products with a batch size of one and on the other hand internal turbulences (like production and logistic resource breakdowns) affecting the production system. This paper gives an insight into research approaches and results how capabilities of intelligent logistical objects (intelligent bins, autonomous transport systems etc.) can be used to achieve a self-organized, cost and performance optimized intralogistics system with autonomously controlled process execution within versatile production environments. A first consistent method has been developed which has been validated and implemented within a scenario at the pilot factory Werk150 at the ESB Business School (Reutlingen University). Based on the incoming production orders, the method of the Extended Profitability Appraisal (EPA) covering the work system value to define the most effective work system for order fulfilment is applied. To derive the appropriate intralogistics processes, an autonomous control method involving principles of decentralized and target-oriented decision-making (e.g. intelligent bins are interacting with autonomously controlled transport systems to fulfil material orders of assembly workstations) has been developed and applied to achieve a target-optimized process execution. The results of the first stage research using predefined material sources and sinks described in this paper is going to set the basis for the further development of a self-organized and autonomously controlled method for intralogistics systems considering dynamic source and sink relations. By allowing dynamic shifts of production orders in the sense of dynamic source and sink relations the cost and performance aims of the intralogistics system can be directly aligned with the aims of the entire versatile production system in the sense of self-organized and autonomously controlled systems.
Learning factories can complement each other by training different competencies in the field of digitalisation and Industry 4.0. They depict diverse sections of the product development process and focus on various technologies. Within the framework of the International Association of Learning Factories (IALF), the operating organisations of learning factories exchange information on research, training and education. One of the aims is to develop joint projects. The article presents different concepts of cooperation between learning factories while focusing on the improvement of the development of learners competencies e.g. with a broader range of topics. A concept of a joint course between the learning factories in Bochum, Reutlingen and Darmstadt is explained in detail. The three learning factories will be examined with regard to their similarities and differences. The joint course focuses on the target group of students and the topic of digitalisation in the development and production of products. The course and its contents are explained in detail. The new learning approach is evaluated on the basis of feedback from the participants. Finally, challenges resulting from the cooperation between learning factories at different locations and with different operating models will be discussed.
Rapidly changing market conditions and global competition are leading to an increasing complexity of logistics systems and require innovative approaches with respect to the organisation and control of these systems. In scientific research, concepts of autonomously controlled logistics systems show a promising approach to meet the increasing requirements for flexible and efficient order processing. In this context, this work aims to introduce a system that is able to adjust order processing dynamically, and optimise intralogistics transportation regarding various generic intralogistics target criteria. The logistics system under consideration consists of various means of transport for autonomous decision-making and fulfilment of transport orders with defined source-sink relationships. The context of this work is set by introducing the Learning Factory Werk 150 with its existing hardware and software infrastructure and its defined target figures to measure the performance of the system. Specifically, the important target figures cost and performance are considered for the transportation system. The core idea of the system’s logic is to solve the problem of order allocation to specific means of transport by linking a Genetic Algorithm with a Multi-Agent System. The implementation of the developed system is described in an application scenario at the learning factory.
The approach of self-organized and autonomous controlled systems offers great potential to meet new requirements for the economical production of customized products with small batch sizes based on a distributed, flexible management of dynamics and complexity within the production and intralogistics system. To support the practical application of self-organization for intralogistics systems, a catalogue of criteria for the evaluation of the self-organization of flexible logistics systems has been developed and validated, which enables the classification of logistics systems as well as the identification and evaluation of corresponding potentials that can be achieved by increasing the degree of self-organization.
The paper describes a new stimulus using learning factories and an academic research programme - an M.Sc. in Digital Industrial Management and Engineering (DIME) comprising a double degree - to enhance international collaboration between four partner universities. The programme will be structured in such a way as to maintain or improve the level of innovation at the learning factories of each partner. The partners agreed to use Learning Factory focus areas along with DIME learning modules to stimulate international collaboration. Furthermore, they identified several research areas within the framework of the DIME program to encourage horizontal and vertical collaboration. Vertical collaboration connects faculty expertise across the Learning Factory network to advance knowledge in one of the focus areas, while Horizontal collaboration connects knowledge and expertise across multiple focus areas. Together they offer a platform for students to develop disciplinary and cross-disciplinary applied research skills necessary for addressing the complex challenges faced by industry. Hence, the university partners have the opportunity to develop the learning factory capabilities in alignment with the smart manufacturing concept. The learning factory is thus an important pillar in this venture. While postgraduate students/researchers in the DIME program are the enablers to ensure the success of entire projects, the learning factory provides a learning environment which is entirely conducive to fostering these successful collaborations. Ultimately, the partners are focussed on utilising smart technologies in line with the digitalization of the production process.
While academia and industry see large potential for human-robot collaboration (HRC), only a small number of realized HRC application is currently found in industry. To gather more data about current hindrances to wider implementation of collaborative robots, a study among 15 robot manufactureres and 14 system integrators of collaborative robot technology has been conducted through a predesigned questionnaire procedure. Additionally, five industrial users of human-robot collaboration have been interviewed on the main challenges they experienced during the initial implementation process. The quantitative data has been analyzed using the Wilcoxon-Signed-Rank-Test. Accoring to the study participants, the main challenges within the implementation currently are the identification of HRC-suitable processes, the application of relevant safety norms (such as ISO 10218, ISO/TS 15066) and the application-individual risk assessment.
The level of automation in intralogistics has steadily increased over recent years. For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), however, the associated digital change is a major challenge. Since most SMEs are facing increasing sales volumes (e.g. due to e-commerce and good overall economy) in combination with decreasing lot sizes due to the market demand for individualized products, SMEs have to find innovative solutions to cope with these challenges in production as well as in logistics. Innovative technologies, like 3D printing technologies for the production for small lot sizes and future-oriented intralogistics technologies can serve as enablers in logistics to realize flexible logistic processes for increasing market requiremments. Considering that, this paper examines innovative and future-oriented technologies for intralogistics such as smart containers, driverless forklift systems, data glasses, smart shelves and smart pallets regarding their potential for SMEs. This explorative research paper shows that digital technologies are already suitable and available for SMEs.However, challenges are still seen in areas like the identification and digitalization potential and the financing of these new projects. The primary reason escpecially for SMEs for this is that they have to make investments based on an economically feasible payback period and less based on prestigious reasons like digitalization flagship projecs done by large corporations. In addition, the identification of feasible starting points for digitalization within intralogistic systems embedded in specific factory processes is a major challenge not only for SMEs.