Document Type
- Conference proceeding (5)
- Journal article (2)
- Book chapter (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- yes (8)
- Informatik (7)
- Texoversum (1)
Functionally impaired people have problems with choosing and finding the right clothing. So, they need help in their daily life to wash and manage the clothing. The goal of this work is to support the user by giving recommendations to choose the right clothing, to find the clothing and how to wash the clothing. The idea behind eKlarA is to generate a gateway based system that uses sensors to identify the clothing and their state in the clothing cycle. The clothing cycle consists of (one and more) closet, laundry basket and washing machine in one or several places. The gateway uses the information about the clothing, weather and calendar to support the user in the different steps of the clothing cycle. This allows to give more freedom to the functionally impaired people in their daily life.
Being able to monitor the heart activity of patients during their daily life in a reliable, comfortable and affordable way is one main goal of the personalized medicine. Current wearable solutions lack either on the wearing comfort, the quality and type of the data provided or the price of the device. This paper shows the development of a Textile Sensor Platform (TSP) in the form of an electrocardiogram (ECG)-measuring T-shirt that is able to transmit the ECG signal to a smartphone. The development process includes the selection of the materials, the design of the textile electrodes taking into consideration their electrical characteristics and ergonomy, the integration of the electrodes on the garment and their connection with the embedded electronic part. The TSP is able to transmit a real-time streaming of the ECG-signal to an Android smartphone through Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). Initial results show a good electrical quality in the textile electrodes and promising results in the capture and transmission of the ECG signal. This is still a working- progress and it is the result of an interdisciplinary master project between the School of Informatics and the School of Textiles & Design of the Reutlingen University.
Fatigue and drowsiness are responsible for a significant percentage of road traffic accidents. There are several approaches to monitor the driver's drowsiness, ranging from the driver's steering behavior to the analysis of the driver, e.g. eye tracking, blinking, yawning, or electrocardiogram (ECG). This paper describes the development of a low-cost ECG sensor to derive heart rate variability (HRV) data for drowsiness detection. The work includes hardware and software design. The hardware was implemented on a printed circuit board (PCB) designed so that the board can be used as an extension shield for an Arduino. The PCB contains a double, inverted ECG channel including low-pass filtering and provides two analog outputs to the Arduino, which combines them and performs the analog-to-digital conversion. The digital ECG signal is transferred to an NVidia embedded PC where the processing takes place, including QRS-complex, heart rate, and HRV detection as well as visualization features. The resulting compact sensor provides good results in the extraction of the main ECG parameters. The sensor is being used in a larger frame, where facial-recognition-based drowsiness detection is combined with ECG-based detection to improve the recognition rate under unfavorable light or occlusion conditions.
Das Knie ist das am häufigsten von Verletzungen betroffene Gelenk beim Skifahren. Durch die Messung bestimmter Einflussfaktoren, wie Kniewinkel und Muskelaktivität, kann eine Aussage über die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer drohenden Verletzung getroffen werden. Diese Daten können als Basis genutzt werden, um eine entsprechende Reaktion des Bindungssystems des Skis hervorzurufen. Durch die automatische Auslösung der Skibindung bei der Überschreitung der Grenzwerte wird das Knie entlastet, um möglichen Verletzungen vorzubeugen. Im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojekts der TU München wurde von einem Team der TU München und der Hochschule Reutlingen eine Skiunterhose entwickelt, mit der in Echtzeit der Kniewinkel erfasst und drahtlos an eine Auswerteeinheit gesendet werden kann.
In dieser Ausarbeitung geht es um den aktuellen Stand der Digitalisierung der Textilindustrie. Sie dient als Grundlage zur Master-Thesis und soll die Frage beantworten, ob ein Informations-System, das die Textilprozesskette begleitet, benötigt wird. Dazu werden die einzelnen Prozessschritte kurz erläutert. In der Ausarbeitung wird auch die Verbindung zwischen der Textilindustrie und den neuen Möglichkeiten mit dem Internet der Dinge beleuchtet.
How to protect the skin from getting sun burnt? The sun can damage your skin e.g. skin cancer. But the sun has a positive effect to the human. The time in sun and the intensity are key values between enjoy the sunbath and having a negative effect to the skin. A smart device like a UV flower could help you to enjoy the sunbath. It measures the UV index around you and gives this information to a smartphone app. The development steps of such a device are described in this paper. The UV flower is made of textile fabrics.
Am Körper getragenen Geräte, sog. Wearables, kommunizieren in der Regel über Bluetooth-Low-Energy (BLE) mit dem Smartphone. Viele Anwendungen, insbesondere im Bereich Gesundheit und AAL, basieren auf der Zusammenarbeit von Wearables mit SmartHome-Geräten. Diese Arbeit präsentiert die Definition und Implementierung von einem neuen BLE Profil für EKG, das Streaming der Signal zum SmartPhone und die Möglichkeit, mehrere solcher Biosignale parallel zu streamen, besitzt. Die Datenarchitektur der App erlaubt eine konfigurierbare Synchronisation der Signal mit dem SmartHome.
A lot of people need help in their daily life to wash, select and manage their clothing. The goal of this work is to design an assistant system (eKlarA) to support the user by giving recommendations to choose the clothing combinations, to find the clothing and to wash the clothing. The idea behind eKlarA is to generate a system that uses sensors to identify the clothing and their state in the clothing cycle. The clothing cycle consists of the stations: closets, laundry basket and washing machine in one or several places. The system uses the information about the clothing, weather and calendar to support the user in the different steps of the clothing cycle. The first prototype of this system has been developed and tested. The test results are presented in this work.