Document Type
- Journal article (74)
- Book chapter (71)
- Book (35)
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- Doctoral Thesis (3)
- Working Paper (3)
- Patent / Standard / Guidelines (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- yes (229)
- Texoversum (229)
- Life Sciences (2)
- Technik (2)
- Springer (51)
- Hochschule Reutlingen (25)
- Deutscher Fachverlag (23)
- Books on Demand (13)
- Deutsches Textilforschungszentrum Nord-West (11)
- MDPI (11)
- Elsevier (9)
- IBP, Internat. Business Press Publisher (5)
- Hometrica Consulting (4)
- Universität Ulm (3)
Capturing accurate body dimensions is crucial for the apparel industry, particularly in the creation of customized garments and ensuring an optimal fit. The current standard methods include using measuring tapes on key body areas or employing 3D scanners. Both techniques require the individual to wear tightly fitted clothing or no clothing at all to ensure accurate measurements. These inconveniences may be alleviated with so-called Microwave Imaging (MI), a lesser known imaging technology typically employed in security scanning. MI offers an alternative approach as it is capable of capturing body dimensions accurately and rapidly even under clothing. In this inital work, MI is thoroughly investigated and compared both visually and quantitatively to established measurement techniques. For a quantitative assessment, approximate methods for determining human body dimensions based on MI are presented and compared to aforementioned conventional measurements methods. All scanning procedures were conducted on a static mannequin, being tested in two distinct configurations: unclothed and wearing a jacket. The experimental setup is designed to evaluate the effectiveness of capturing body dimensions in general, and in particular through clothing, with a specific focus on exploring the potential applications of MI data in the context of body measurement. To this end, MI demonstrates to be a fast, comfortable and feasible method for measuring body circumferences, rendering it a viable option for use in the clothing industry. The technology shows promise, especially in its ability to capture body dimensions even through thick clothing.
Based on the published four papers in this special issue, new managerial insights into fashion supply chain management during and after COVID-19 global pandemic are obtained. During the COVID-19 pandemic, omni-channel retailing, quick response, mixed production strategies, collaboration with e-tailers, having a balance between safety features and luxury desirability, risk management, and producing “safe” designs are effective strategies to cope with COVID-19. After COVID-19, the strategies including customer relationship management, demand forecasting and inventory planning, sustainable practices, network collaboration, inter-organizational sharing, and buyer–supplier relationships are crucially important for business recovery and growth.
Nowadays, soft avatars are used in various fields to simulate the behavior of human soft tissues in different applications. Likewise, they are also utilized in the garment industry in order to achieve a realistic testing of the fit and functionality of tight-fitting clothing. Therefore it is important that avatars in CAD programs for clothing conform to the mechanical properties of human soft tissue. The accuracy of the avatars' properties in simulating the change in shape of human tissue is crucial here, which is caused by the contact pressure that compressive or tight-fitting garments exert onto the body. In this study, Browzwear’s VStitcher soft avatar Sofia was investigated and different body shapes resulting from being influenced by a legging with different levels of negative ease values were compared with non-affected natural avatar body shape. The examination of the soft avatar simulation shows that although a fast estimation of the tissue displacement can be predicted, there are some shape changes limitations compared to the natural behavior of human soft tissue.
A concept to prepare a highly hydrophobic composite with self-healing properties has been designed and verified. The new material is based on a composite of a crystalline hydrophobic fluoro wax, synthesized from montan waxes and perfluoroethylene alcohols, combined with spherical silica nanoparticles equipped with a hydrophobic shell. Highly repellent layers were prepared using this combination of a hydrophobic crystalline wax and silica nanoparticles. The novel aspect of our concept was to prepare a ladder-like structure of the hydrophobic shell allowing the inclusion of a certain share of wax molecules. Wax molecules trapped in the hydrophobic structure during mixing are hindered from crystallizing; therefore, these molecules maintain a higher mobility compared to crystallized molecules. When a thin layer of the composite material is mechanically damaged, the mobile wax molecules can migrate and heal the defects to a certain extent. The general preparation of the composite is described and XRD analysis demonstrated that a certain share of wax molecules in the composite are hindered to crystallize. Furthermore, we show that the resulting material can recovery its repellent properties after surface damage.
The textile sector is responsible for a number of environmental impacts, e.g., climate change, and is not pursuing sustainable production and consumption patterns. Due to the increasing quantities of textiles, their share is rising, and a trend reversal from a linear to a circular and sustainable textile chain is needed. This article presents the background, methodological approach and results of a participatory textile development model. In the commercial B2B sector, three textile prototypes were developed together with users and trialled over several months in three application areas. Textile development took into account the requirements of fibre regeneration in the product design and focused on innovative more sustainable chemical recycling solutions. The three sustainably aligned textiles were subjected to spectroscopic and textile–technological tests. The sustainability tool screening life cycle assessments analysed their environmental profile and compared it with reference textiles that are used as the standard. Overall, it is clear that the three textiles can match conventional reference textiles in terms of quality and have considerable environmental benefits compared to the reference textiles. The user survey did identify concerns about a high artificial fibre content, although a general rejection of recycled fibres was not observed. The results show that a sustainable transformation is possible but must start with the fibre composition; recycling, on the other hand, is of minor importance.
Seagrass meadows provide essential ecosystem services but have been strongly declining over the past. Due to their incapability to recover effectively naturally, assisted restoration is used. This study aimed to test textile fabrics from natural derivatives to serve as carrier substrates for seagrass transplantation. The use of biotextile fabrics should enable seagrasses to better withstand hydrodynamic forces, especially in high‐energy areas and during autumn and winter storms in the initial phase of restoration, thereby increasing restoration success. Here, the biodegradation behavior of three natural textiles was assessed in different configurations. Coir, sisal, and jute meshes were fixed on the top and bottom of a coir nonwoven mat, forming a so‐called “sandwich structure.” Specimens were buried in the Ria Formosa Lagoon, Portugal, and retrieved weekly within the first months of burial and subsequently monthly over a total period of 3 months. Weight, tensile strength, and oxygen consumption rate were used as descriptors for biodegradation and tested after each retrieval. The results obtained in this study were discussed in the context of the application of the tested materials on Zostera marina transplants. Due to experimental errors, these results are solely used for discussion purposes in a conservative manner. Based on the three descriptors, coir mesh was the least degraded by the end of the experiment. Yet, it is vital to analyze the microbiome in a study site to understand the biodegradation process and based on that select a textile material. Coir fibers appear to be a good choice in highly biologically active areas to prolong the degradation process, whereas in areas with less activity sisal could be sufficient and even beneficial through the release of compounds that foster vegetations induced by degradation.
This study delves into Gen Z's demands for transparency in fashion. Through in-depth interviews with Gen Z consumers, key transparency themes are identified. The findings offer valuable managerial implications for brands seeking to engage with Gen Z and provide a deeper understanding of this generation’s attitude behavior gap regarding sustainability.
Bildungseinrichtungen wie Schulen oder Hochschulen integrieren zunehmend Umweltthemen in ihre Lehrpläne und extracurricularen Aktivitäten. Gemeinsam bieten das Friedrich-List-Gymnasium Reutlingen und das TEXOVERSUM, die Textil-Fakultät der Hochschule Reutlingen, daher für Schüler:innen der Oberstufe einen Seminarkurs zum Thema „Mode und Nachhaltigkeit“ im Schuljahr 2023/2024 an.
Textilien mit elektronischen Funktionen, Smarte Textiles oder Wearables, finden sich in immer mehr Bereichen. Markt und Anzahl der Produkte wachsen seit Jahren sehr stark. Die Produkte benötigen naturgemäß eine Stromversorgung, die für mobile Anwendungen meist über konventionelle Batterien/Akkus zur Verfügung gestellt wird. Hier können alternativ textile Superkondensatoren (SC) als voll integrierte Energiespeicher dienen. Es wäre auch denkbar an anderer Stelle textile Flächen als Energiespeicher zu nutzen (Dachhimmel im Automobil, Zeltdach u.v.m.). Im Rahmen eines Gemeinschaftsprojektes vom Deutschen Textilforschungszentrum Nord-West und der TEXOVERSUM Fakultät Textil wurden Materialien und ein Aufbau für textile SC entwickelt. Superkondensatoren können Energie speichern und schnell geladen werden. Ein Schwerpunkt der Arbeiten zielte auf die Synthese von neuen textilen Elektroden auf Basis von Kohlenstoffnanofaservliesen (CNF-Vliesen) ab. Die so hergestellten CNF-Vliese wurden in einen parallel entwickelten Aufbau integriert. Es zeigt sich, dass resultierende Kondensatoren, aufgrund der höheren spezifischen Oberfläche der Nanovliese und weiterer Funktionalisierungen eine deutlich höhere Kapazität aufweisen, als solche, die mit konventionellen Kohlefaservliesen hergestellt wurden. Mit den CNF-Vliesen konnten Kapazitäten von 30 F/g Elektrodenmaterial realisiert werden, eine Steigerung um den Faktor 300 im Vergleich mit Elektroden basierend auf konventionellen Kohlefaservliesen. Der Kondensatoraufbau wurde für ein Funktionsmuster so weiterentwickelt, dass er über einen klassischen mehrstufigen textilen Siebdruckprozess, bei dem die Elektroden in den Aufbau eingelegt werden, realisiert werden kann. Die Herstellung textiler Superkondensatoren kann damit für Textilveredler/-drucker, oft KMU, interessant sein. Leistungsfähige textile Superkondensatoren eröffnen Herstellern von smarten Textilien die Möglichkeit Produkte mit einem höheren Integrationsgrad zu entwickeln.
The strong demand for a transformation of the textile and fashion industry towards sustainability requires a continuous implementation of the guiding principle of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in education and industry [1, 2]. In a first step of the European research project "Sustainable fashion curriculum at textile Universities in Europe - Development, Implementation and Evaluation of a Teaching Module for Educators" (Fashion DIET) a continuing education module shall be created to implement ESD as a guiding principle in university teaching. The research-based teaching and learning materials are delivered through an e-learning portal.