378 Hochschulbildung
Document Type
- Journal article (7)
- Conference proceeding (3)
- Book (2)
- Book chapter (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- yes (13)
- ESB Business School (7)
- Texoversum (2)
- Informatik (1)
- Technik (1)
We investigate economics PhDs minted at German, Austrian, and Swiss universities from 1991 to 2008. We find that cohort sizes increased overall, and the share of PhDs who publish in a peer-reviewed journal within 6 years after graduation increased from 18% in 1991 to 46% in 2008. Publishing rates are heterogeneous across departments. Younger cohorts publish slightly more compared to older cohorts, but these publications are not significantly better in terms of quality. Publication productivity is highly skewed within and between departments. A key difference between PhDs of the German-speaking area and North America lies in their patterns of collaboration.
The strong demand to transform the textile and fashion industry towards sustainability requires continuous implementation of the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) mission statement in education and industry. To achieve this goal, the European research project "Fashion DIET - Sustainable Fashion Curriculum at Textile Universities in Europe. Development, Implementation and Evaluation of a Teaching Module for Educators", co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union (2020-1-DE01-KA203-005657), aims to create an ESD module for university lecturers and research-based teaching and learning materials delivered through an e-learning portal. First, an online questionnaire was rolled out to assess university faculty attitudes toward and needs for ESD content and methods. The feedback questionnaire enabled the selection of the most relevant data for the elaboration of an action and research-oriented professional development module for ESD in textile education, which will be accessible through an information & e-learning portal. The e-learning portal can be used as a web-based tool to apply and evaluate the project outcomes, e.g. the further education module and the teaching and learning materials for educators, such as manuals, broadcasts and the provision of interactive and physical materials. It thus ensures that the teaching materials can be used sustainably in the classroom. It also provides country-specific data for the fashion and textile industry and its market, taking into account the different perspectives of universities and schools. In any case, the portal represents (1) the web-based platform to support the dissemination of ESD as a guiding principle and (2) a central contact point for the target group to obtain relevant information on ESD. Fashion DIET explores the use of e-learning to improve teaching and learning on ESD, by training educators and empowering them as multipliers for a sustainable textile and fashion industry. At a higher level, the European project strengthens the quality and relevance of learning provision in education towards the latest developments in textile research and innovation in terms of a more sustainable fashion.
The imparting of knowledge and skills in STEM education, especially under the influence of the Covid-19 pandemic, is increasingly taking place online and through digital formats. The partially asynchronous instruction eliminates, on the one hand, the social relation in the learning process and, on the other hand, the direct experience with physical objects. Here, the digital learning systems provide learning tools and controls to support the learning process on a general basis. Existing methods for simulating physical objects (digital twins) are also used to a minimal extent. The following approach presents a learning system framework that enables individualized learning, including all dimensions (social, physical). Implementing a concept that uses a personalized assistance system to orchestrate the individual learning steps enables efficient and effective learning. Applying the learning system framework exemplifies the STEM education at Reutlingen University in the logistics learning factory Werk150.
Higher education institutions (HEIs) rely heavily on information technology (IT) to create innovations. Therefore, IT governance (ITG) is essential for education activities, particularly during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. However, the traditional concept of ITG is not fully equipped to deal with the current changes occurring in the digital age. Today's ITG requires an agile approach that can respond to disruptions in the HEI environment. Consequently, universities increasingly need to adopt agile strategies to ensure superior performance. This research proposes a conceptualization comprising three agile dimensions within the ITG construct: structures, processes, and relational mechanisms. An extensive qualitative evaluation of industry uncovered 46 agile governance mechanisms. Moreover, 16 professors rated these elements to assess agile ITG in their HEIs to determine those most effective for HEIs. This led to the identification of four structure elements, seven processes, and seven relational mechanisms.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe and discuss the current state of fashion business academic education worldwide. This is motivated by the wish to develop recommendations for the fashion business bachelor program of Reutlingen Uni versity.
Design/methodology/approach: This paper is based on a systematic review of relevant fashion business academic programs. A qualitative comparison is conducted through a categorization of the programs’ content and a score system evaluating the programs’ concepts.
Findings: Key findings were that several factors ensure successful fashion business education: Industry connections, international networks, project-based work, personalized career services and innovative approaches in teaching that include all steps along the fashion value chain.
Research limitations/implications: The research was primarily limited due to the limited number of schools assessed. As a result of the restricted time frame, those schools that were presented could only be analyzed regarding a few aspects. Future research should focus on a more in-depth analysis and further-reaching comparisons, e.g. comparisons with teaching concepts outside the fashion business area or with requirements by fashion companies.
Zusammen mit Partnern aus Industrie und Politik untersuchen die ESB Business School der Hochschule Reutlingen, die Hochschule Offenburg und die Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz (FHNW) in einem Interreg-Projekt die Möglichkeiten, klima- und gesundheitsschädliche Emissionen im Grenzverkehr am Hochrhein zu reduzieren. Elektromobilität und Fahrgemeinschaften werden dazu im Rahmen eines Pilotprojekts gefördert und die Wirkung analysiert. Erste Ergebnisse zeigen, dass heutige Elektroautos für das grenzüberschreitende Pendeln unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen geeignet sind.
Bei großen Sportereignissen wie Fußball-, Welt- und Europameisterschaften oder Olympischen Spielen geht es für Verbände und offizielle Sponsoren um Millionen, entsprechend scharf verteidigen sie ihre Werberechte. Burger King zeigt, wie sich dieses „Monopol“ kreativ umgehen lässt. Im folgenden Beitrag werden exemplarisch zwei Ambush-Marketing-Aktivitäten von Burger King im Rahmen der Fußball Europameisterschaften 2016 vorgestellt. Nicht-Sponsor Burger King setzte Ambush Marketing dabei gezielt und kreativ im Rahmen der EM ein, um gegen den offiziellen UEFA-Sponsor und Wettbewerber McDonald‘s Punkte zu sammeln.
Ein wichtiges Qualifikationsziel von heutigen Wirtschaftsingenieurstudien-programmen ist, Studierende dazu zu befähigen, vernetzt, ganzheitlich, interkulturell und interdisziplinär zu denken und zu handeln. Die Lehr- und Lerninnovation Quest 3C fördert durch ein integratives Blended-Learning Format sowohl die Vermittlung von grundlegendem Fachwissen als auch von berufsqualifizierenden Schlüsselkompetenzen.