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Die meisten Entscheider können die Frage nach den Kosten der Supply-Chain-Integration nicht beantworten. Um mit Partnern in der Lieferkette optimal zusammenzuarbeiten, müssen die positiven Effekte der Integration mit den anfallenden Kosten abgeglichen werden. Moderne Kostenrechnungssysteme machen dies möglich.
This book presents two experimental studies that deal with the comparison of multi-item auction designs for two specific applications: the sale of 2.6 GHz radio spectrum rights in Europe, and the sale of emissions permits in Australia. In order to tackle the complexity of these experiments, a cognitively based toolkit is proposed, including modularized video instructions, comprehension tests, a learning platform, a graphical one-screen user interface, and comprehension-based group matching.
Scholars have identified numerous factors to determine how entrepreneurs can successfully found or grow a venture; research on the success of founders who have exited their venture, however, is still scarce. This is surprising as entrepreneurs' departure from the firm they helped create - referred to as entrepreneurial exit - is an event that is eventually inescapable for founder - manager entrepreneurs. Hence, it is of central concern to every individual entrepreneur.
Thus far, scholars have only few means to assess the outcome of an entrepreneurial exit - may it be successful or not -, which is one reason for the scarcity of research in this area. Extant research measures the outcome based on financial or on categorical success indicators such as the realized exit route (e.g., acquisition, buyout, liquidation). Scholars, however, argue that exiting entrepreneurs do not merely aim at financial outcomes, but also at other dimensions of success, such as reputational gains, employee benefits, or continued pursuance of the firm's mission. Moreover, scholars emphasize that the outcome of exit events needs to be assessed based on the individual entrepreneur's perception. However, so far, we lack theory and validated scales that capture entrepreneurs' perception of the exit outcome.
To close this gap and enable future research, we conceptualize the construct of perceived exit performance (PEP) and develop and validate a scale to measure it. Our definition of PEP captures entrepreneurs' perception of the exit outcome, different perceived levels of success, and financial and non - financial outcomes. We establish entrepreneurs' PEP with four dimensions: personal financial benefits, personal reputation, employee benefits, and firm mission persistence. To develop, test, and validate the PEP scale, we follow proven scale development procedures and build on an extensive literature review and three consecutive studies. Those studies draw on 29 interviews and two unique samples with a total of 203 entrepreneurs with exit experience.
By introducing a theoretical framework and by offering a validated scale for the PEP construct, our study enables scholars in entrepreneurship and related domains - for the first time - to differentiate in a reliable way between successful and unsuccessful exits from the individual entrepreneur's perspective. Our scale provides scholars with a methodological toolkit to advance research based on large - scale empirical data. Consequently, our scale might help answer the determinative question: What makes an exit successful from an entrepreneur's perspective? Furthermore, researchers using our scale might also be able to clarify various other questions raised in this study. Given that our scale reflects both the vernacular of entrepreneurs and their reality, its application will help unveil important insights - not only for scholar, but also for entrepreneurs, investors, and decision makers shaping the institutional environment.
Dieses Buch widmet sich den Schlüsselstrategien des Upskilling und des Reskilling. Die technologischen Entwicklungen, vor allem aufgrund von KI, erfordern neue Skills von der Organisation und von ihren Mitarbeitenden. Beim Upskilling geht es darum, bestehende Kompetenzen zu erweitern. Reskilling bereitet auf einen Rollenwechsel mit neuem Kompetenzerwerb vor. Die Autorinnen legen den Fokus auf managementorientierte und betriebswirtschaftliche Ansätze, aktuelle Forschung und erfolgreiche Unternehmenspraktiken. Eine wertvolle Lektüre für Entscheider im Personalmanagement wie auch für Lehrkräfte und Studierende.
A survey was used to evaluate if managers and leaders from six different mid-size companies can successfully adapt and implement task-oriented and relational-oriented leadership competences and specific communication leadership skills both right after the training and after eight week of use at the workplace. The evidence-based training program, which integrates a contextual framework, leadership concepts, effective skills and competences and microteaching as training method, is described.
Die Geschwindigkeit, mit der sich die Art, wie wir arbeiten, in den letzten Jahren gewandelt hat, ist enorm. Was vor ein paar Jahren noch als innovativer Arbeitsplatz galt (mobile Arbeitsplätze, offene Großraumbüros mit Kaffeeecken zum informellen Austausch), ist heute schon wider veraltet. Zukunftsorientierte Büros stehen leer, die Mitarbeiter arbeiten von zu Hause und was gefragt ist, sind innovative Ideen für einen sozialen Austausch zwischen mobilen Mitarbeitern und für virtuelle Begegnungen. Auch die Organisationsformen internationaler Mobilität haben sich erheblich gewandelt. Während vor einigen Jahren zunächst verschiedene Alternativen zur klassischen Langzeitentsendung in den Blick kamen, z.B. Kurzzeitentsendung, Vielflieger-Entsendung und Flexpatriate-Entsendung (Collings et al. 2007), wird heute über eine noch stärkere Flexibilisierung internationaler Arbeitseinsätze und über internationale Formen des „Work-from-Anywhere“ (Choudhury 2020) diskutiert. Wie kommt es zu diesen Veränderungen und wie können Unternehmen die aktuellen Trends globaler Mobilität erfolgreich bewältigen?
Does Corporate Social Responsibility create value in acquisitions? Evidence from the German market
This paper examines the impact of a firm’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) level on abnormal stock returns around merger and acquisitions (M&A) announcements. Using a sample of transactions announced by German DAX-listed acquirers from 2017 and 2022, the analysis assesses whether CSR creates value for acquiring firms’ shareholders and offers a comprehensive discussion of potential factors supporting or opposing this notion. Our study seeks to fill a notable gap in the German literature on the relationship between CSR performance and abnormal stock returns surrounding M&A announcements. Building upon prior research findings in the US and in an international sample, our investigation focuses on the German market. Employing event study methodology, our results indicate that M&A transactions of German-listed acquirers did not yield significant negative or positive cumulative abnormal returns for event windows of 3 and 11 days. Furthermore, based on multiple linear regression, no evidence was found that CSR positively or negatively influenced abnormal stock returns following M&A announcements, suggesting that positive and negative effects potentially offset each other. The outcomes of our research have important implications for investors, as CSR initiatives do not serve as a positive trading signal, guaranteeing excess returns, which contrasts findings from previous studies in other developed countries. For managers, it is essential to concentrate on factors beyond CSR performance, such as synergies and fit. Finally, both managers and investors should not view CSR as a shareholder value-enhancing short-term investment but as an integral component of fostering sustainable business development.
In 2023, Salesforce was the provider of the CRM system with the biggest market share. Besides providing a CRM software product, the company also offered an external developer platform called Salesforce Platform. Salesforce Platform enabled CRM customers to customize their CRM system and allowed partners (third-party developers) to develop cloud apps that could be distributed via Salesforce’s AppExchange marketplace. Since its official launch in 2008, Salesforce Platform had become a major revenue contributor for the company, including from over 7,000 apps in AppExchange.
Building a successful platform business extended far beyond building a technology platform to nurturing an entire ecosystem around it. Based on interviews with twelve executives, this case study illustrates what it takes for a product company to build a platform business—developing and scaling the business model, engineering the technology platform, growing a vivid community of developers, and marketing and selling the platform—and how Salesforce addressed related challenges.
No other mega sporting event has ever been as controversial as the 2022 soccer World Cup in Qatar. This paper does not look at how the World Cup was awarded to Qatar and the role played by corruption and the power of money. Instead, this case study will take a closer look at the sustainability of the event. Was it possible to keep the promises made by Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) and the state of Qatar in the run-up to the event? To what extent do FIFA's self-image and the public's perception of it match? In the analysis (target/actual comparison), the dialectical three-step method (with thesis, antithesis, and synthesis) is used.
The article focuses on gender-specific differences in consumer behavior and the practice of gender marketing in brand management. It reports that as markets become more complex, understanding and catering to the needs of different gender groups has become crucial for effective marketing strategies. It highlights the emergence of gender marketing as a young discipline, originating in the U.S. in the 1990s and gaining traction in Europe in recent years.