The 10 most recently published documents
This article discusses the behavioral theory of firms and how it lays the foundation for behavioral strategy, which combines elements of social psychology and cognitive frameworks with strategic management principles and practices. The goal is to highlight key contributions from various authors by comparing their work. Emphasis is placed on the behavioral theory of firms and its significance to behavioral strategy that integrates social psychology and cognitive aspects with strategic management practices. However, this area of study is still relatively untapped, and more research is needed to develop comprehensive approaches.
Emotions in strategy
This literature review focuses on the role of emotions in behavioral strategy research. Emotions arise from various appraisals and can be viewed from different perspectives, from individual to interpersonal, group, and organizational levels. The relationship between emotions and strategy is crucial because strategic shifts can evoke emotions that impact the success of strategy implementation. While the significance of emotions in the workplace has often been overlooked in past strategy discussions, recent research has started exploring innovative concepts, such as emotional aperture, to understand the interplay between emotions and strategy. This includes considerations of hierarchy levels, leadership styles, company size, and global contexts.
This paper studies the effect of longer school days - induced by voluntary all-day programs in German primary schools - on school performance. Facing the challenge of selection into all-day school programs, we instrument all-day school expansion with construction subsidies from a large federal investment project. We combine data from the representative National Educational Panel Study covering more than 5'000 primary school students with municipality-level information on federal subsidies. Results show that all-day programs lead to improvements in language and math grades and to a higher probability of attending the academic track after primary school. Heterogeneity analysis suggests that the programs do not reduce educational inequality.
A key feature of school closures is that there is no trained educator in the room to help. This column argues that low-achieving students are particularly affected by the lack of teacher support. Based on a German time-use survey, it finds that students on average reduced daily learning time by about half during the school closures. This reduction was significantly larger for low-achieving students, who disproportionately replaced learning time with activities deemed detrimental to child development such as computer gaming rather than with more conducive activities such as reading.
System dynamics (SD) is a methodology aimed at providing insights into complex systems across various fields of study. This article offers an overview of the current state of research and the practical significance of SD in strategic management (SM). It endeavours to explore diverse research areas and identify fields of application for SD in SM through a systematic literature review. This is done to determine the extent and means by which SD can add value to SM.
Platform business models have become highly popular; they are used by half of the world’s ten largest companies by market capitalization. The challenge for established companies is that running a platform business is different from running a product business. A platform business requires building an ecosystem of various constituents with differing interests: customers, the company’s internal product teams, and partners. Based on an in-depth case study of Salesforce Platform, this briefing illustrates one approach to balancing the interests of these constituents.
Bildungsungleichheit ist ein Hauptgrund dafür, dass Einkommensunterschiede über Generationen hinweg bestehen bleiben. Da das im Erwachsenenalter erzielte Einkommen mit kognitiven Fähigkeiten im Schulalter zusammenhängt, werden die schulischen Fähigkeiten von Kindern mit deren sozioökonomischem Hintergrund verglichen. Unsere Untersuchungen mit Paneldaten zu Schulkindern in Deutschland führen zu dem Ergebnis, dass Performanceunterschiede bereits zu Schulbeginn bestehen und die Lücken im Lauf der Schulzeit nicht geschlossen werden. Diese Ergebnisse sind relevant für politische Maßnahmen, die darauf zielen, die Einkommensmobilität zwischen Generationen zu erhöhen und Chancengleichheit zu schaffen. Frühkindliche Maßnahmen können helfen, bereits vor Schulbeginn bestehende Leistungsunterschiede zu verringern.
Progressive globalization and an interdependent network of international projects increase the importance of analyzing entrepreneurial cultures. Among the most important cooperations between Europe and Asia are the economic interactions between Germany and China, which are the regions’ largest economies. A cross-cultural investigation of different entrepreneurial cultures reveals capacities and barriers of the joint development of innovation-driven cooperations. This chapter offers an overview of the current state of research, followed by an outline of cross-cultural differences on the basis of Hofstede’s, (Asia Pacific Journal of Management 1:81-99, 1984b) cultural dimensions. Further, we juxtapose the role of the entrepreneur from both a Chinese and a German perspective. We close with critical remarks and call for future research to address important research gaps.
This chapter informs about leadership and knowledge-transfer expectations in China. Specifically, this chapter unveils the impact the ancient and the modern Chinese education systems have on perceptions of hierarchy and manager-employee relationships. It will be illuminated how the trust formation process between managers and employees is facilitated in China and how it differs from the one in Western countries. There will be an overview on the main constituents of Chinese leadership as well as on different leadership styles and its main implications. Contextual factors, such as generation, industry, and geographic differences, will be considered. Finally, this chapter provides a guideline on how to successfully transfer knowledge in Western-Sino manager-employee relationships including culture-specific concepts such as guanxi and face.
The refugee crisis has reached historic proportions, with more than 82 million people on the run. Access to healthcare is often difficult for them due to a lack of medical records and language barriers. This paper examines a digital medical documentation system for refugees that captures, stores, and translates records. International data protection standards are considered. The contribution consists of designing a system that manages and translates medical data across borders and integrates a prediction model for epidemics in refugee camps.