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Design and simulation of an equiangular spiral antenna for extremely high-frequencies

  • This paper presents the design and simulation processes of an Equiangular Spiral Antenna for the extremely high frequencies between 65 GHz and 170 GHz. A new approach for the analysis of the antenna’s electrical parameters is described. This approach is based on formalism proposed by Rumsey to determine the EM field produced by an equiangular spiral antenna. Analytical expressions of the electrical parameters such as the gain or the directivity are then calculated using well sustained mathematical approximations. The comparison of obtained results with those from numerical integration methods shows a good agreement.

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Author of HS ReutlingenPouhè, David
Place of publication:Piscataway, NJ
Document Type:Conference proceeding
Publication year:2014
Tag:approximation theory; equiangular spiral antenna; linear tapered balun; millimetre wave antennas; spiral antennas
Page Number:5
First Page:3102
Last Page:3106
DDC classes:621 Angewandte Physik
Open access?:Nein
Licence (German):License Logo  In Copyright - Urheberrechtlich geschützt