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Without a school degree, students can have difficulty in the labour market. To improve the lives of upper-secondary school dropouts, German states instituted a school reform that awarded an interim degree to high-track students upon completion of Grade 9. Using retrospective spell data on school careers from the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS), our difference-in-differences approach exploits the staggered implementation of this reform between 1965 and 1996. As intended, the reform reduced downgrading to lower school tracks. Surprisingly, it also increased successful high-track completion, arguably by reducing the perceived risk of trying longer to succeed in the high-track school.
Concept for a low-cost implementation of automatic cycle time measurements in learning factories
Cycle time optimization is a fundamental skill for manufacturing planners to avoid bottlenecks and thus increase throughput of production. A learning factory, which replicates real-world manufacturing scenarios, provides an ideal environment for students to acquire this essential skill. Traditionally, cycle times in these scenarios have been manually recorded using stopwatches. This practice has become increasingly outdated with the proliferation of Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things systems that automatically take these measurements in industries, which the learning factories are designed to emulate. However, the high costs and implementation efforts associated with these systems can pose significant challenges for learning factories to adapt.
To address these challenges, this paper proposes a cost-effective system for automatic cycle time measurements in learning factories. The system is composed of inexpensive and commercially available hardware such as microcontroller development boards, Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) readers and a custom software based on open-source software that is free to use. It enables fast and economical retrofitting of existing production scenarios by equipping production stations with RFID readers and product trays with RFID tags.
The solution not only enhances the realism of learning factories in terms of cycle time measurements but also introduces the students to key Industry 4.0 concepts like automation, digitalization, and real-time data tracking. By integrating this affordable system, learning factories can better align their practices with industry standards, thereby improving the training quality and preparing students more effectively for the future manufacturing environment.
The Asset Administration Shell (AAS) represents a standardized digital representation of an asset facilitating the seamless combination of physical and digital objects in Industry 4.0. Originally introduced within the RAMI 4.0 framework, the AAS plays a pivotal role in achieving the core objectives of Industry 4.0 by introducing interoperable data exchange across different assets, life cycles, and value chains.
Delivering central requirements for the Industry 4.0 vision the importance of AAS for the transition towards smart factories is evident. However, due to its abstract nature, the AAS advantages, and implementation require explanation. Incorporating this technology into educational environments can provide this explanation by allowing students to grasp the importance of interoperability in advanced digital manufacturing settings. However, currently, literature on the utilization of AAS within the infrastructure and learning concepts of learning factories is missing.
To address this challenge and enable learning factories to effectively teach the principles of AAS, this paper describes an approach for introducing the AAS into learning factory environments. This approach entails the technical introduction of digital asset representations into the process flow of existing assemblies as well as a workshop illustrating the importance of the interoperability provided by the AAS in Industry 4.0 factories.
This paper serves as a foundational guide for introducing AAS into learning factories by underscoring the vital role of AAS in the education of future industry professionals and the realization of smart factories in the era of Industry 4.0.
In a qualitative study of 16 family firms in Germany, we examine four family dynamics, namely cohesion of extended families, multiple involved family members, predecessor-successor-relationship, and parents and partner influence. 31 semi-structured interviews with predecessor and successor CEOs identified that the family dynamics have different influences on four major transition mechanisms, namely control, knowledge transfer, harboring, and emotional alignment that lead to two outcomes, heritage maintenance and transformation. Our findings are encapsulated in a family dynamic-transition-outcome model.
Technologies related to Industry 4.0, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), find increasing applications in manufacturing systems. However, the technical implementation of IoT-based or AI-based solutions requires interaction and information exchange between the various components of complex information processing systems. Students of interdisciplinary study programs, such as industrial engineering, often possess conceptual yet isolated knowledge of manufacturing systems, IT infrastructure, and information processing without proficiency regarding application programming interface (API) usage. However, APIs are paramount for enabling the interaction of individual components of complex information processing systems. Unfortunately, adapting the general descriptions in API documentation to a student's specific application is often challenging, hindering a comprehensive hands-on learning experience for students training on implementing applications into manufacturing systems of learning factories. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel approach for leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) to facilitate the utilization of APIs for students’ hands-on training on implementing applications and the respective information processing within the context of manufacturing systems and learning factories. The proposed approach comprises an LLM extended using context data specific to the employed test API and enables user interaction via a natural language dialogue-based chat interface.
Die Teilnahme am verpflichtenden Religionsunterricht in der Schule kann nachhaltige Auswirkungen auf das Leben von Schuler:innen haben. Seit den 1970er Jahren haben die deutschen Bundeslander zu unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten den verpflichtenden Religionsunterricht an offentlichen Schulen abgeschafft und durch eine Wahlmoglichkeit zwischen Ethik- und Religionsunterricht ersetzt. Unsere Studie zeigt, dass die Reformen nicht nur zu einer geringeren Religiositat der Schuler:innen im spateren Leben fuhrten, sondern auch traditionelle Einstellungen zu Geschlechterrollen verringerten sowie Erwerbsbeteiligung und Einkommen erhohten. Hingegen beeinflussten die Reformen nicht die Lebenszufriedenheit oder ethisches Verhalten wie etwa ehrenamtliches Engagement.
In diesem Kapitel wird ein kurzer Überblick über die Geschichte der Bewegung für nachhaltige Entwicklung, über Modelle und zeitgenössische Perspektiven zu diesem Thema sowie über zukunftsweisende Mechanismen, die eine stärkere Beteiligung an der Diskussion über Nachhaltigkeit ermöglichen, vorgestellt. Die Informationen bieten ein umfassendes und zukunftsorientiertes Verständnis davon, was nachhaltige Entwicklung ist und was sie sein könnte. Angesichts der planetarischen Grenzen scheint die Dringlichkeit zum Handeln offensichtlich zu sein. Dennoch gibt es zahlreiche Diskurse zum Thema Klimaverzug. Die Möglichkeiten, kritische, aber oft vernachlässigte Interessengruppen einzubinden, zeigen, wie durch die Verbindung von indigener Weisheit mit neuen Technologien von einer kurzfristigen und rein menschenzentrierten Weltsicht zu einer integrativeren und gerechteren gelangt werden könnte.
An important issue on the political agenda of many developed countries is the intensive margin of formal child care and, consequently, the effects of expanding the operating hours of child care institutions. We add to this debate by studying the effects of offering full-day child care on child development. Specifically, we analyze the consequences of a substantial increase of full-day slots at the expense of half-day slots and hence, when holding the extensive margin constant. The conversion was triggered by several reforms to the German child care system. Using unique administrative data covering the full population of eight birth cohorts in one West German state, we find that more hours have a negative effect on children’s socio-emotional well-being. Subgroup analysis suggests that this result is driven by children from disadvantaged family backgrounds, especially those from low-education backgrounds, single-parent households and migrant families. On a brighter note, we find that full-day care has a positive effect on the school readiness of immigrant children.
The pre-, intra- and postoperative determination of the entity and dignity of salivary gland tumors (ST) based solely on histomorphological criteria is not reliably in all cases. The spectra of Raman spectroscopy (RS) contain information about the molecular composition of the examined tissue. The aim of the work was to establish an RS-based measurement setup and a workflow for the differentiation of salivary gland tumor tissue and salivary gland tissue. In addition, the barriers of translating RS in salivary gland diagnostics are discussed. 10 µm thick, native cryo-tissue sections of Warthin tumors (n=5) and pleomorphic adenomas (n=4) were examined using RS in both tumor tissue and healthy salivary gland tissue and the data were evaluated in a multivariate data analysis. All measurements were histomorphologically localized in a corresponding HE section. A "principal component" analysis (PCA) of the RS data and coupled discriminant analysis enabled both a distinction between tumor and non-tumor tissue as well as the differentiation of the various tumor entities (based on the histopathological assessment) with a high level of accuracy (93% ). In summary, it could be shown that the RS measurements could be used to reliably distinguish between ST and healthy salivary gland tissue. Another important result is that tissue processing is possible reliably using standard pathological methods. The high number of different ST entities represents a biostatistical challenge. Approaches to the solution include multi-level statistical models and simultaneous correlation with histomorphological criteria.
Nachhaltige Entwicklung ist eine Entwicklung, die den Bedürfnissen der heutigen Generation entspricht, ohne die Möglichkeiten künftiger Generationen zu gefährden, ihre eigenen Bedürfnisse zu befriedigen. Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement als unternehmerische und gesamtgesellschaftliche Aufgabe hat längst den Sport- und Kulturbereich erreicht. Sportvereine, Verbände und Kultureinrichtungen sind nicht nur gefordert, nachhaltigere Events zu schaffen, sie müssen auch als Gesamtorganisation nachhaltiger wirken.