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Techno-economical and ecological potential of electric scooters : a life cycle analysis

  • In Germany, mobility is currently in a state of flux. Since June 2019, electric kick scooters (e-scooters) have been permitted on the roads, and this market is booming. This study employs a user survey to generate new data, supplemented by expert interviews to determine whether such e-scooters are a climate-friendly means of transport. The environmental impacts are quantified using a life cycle assessment. This results in a very accurate picture of e-scooters in Germany. The global warming potential of an e-scooter calculated in this study is 165 g CO2-eq./km, mostly due to material and production (that together account for 73% of the impact). By switching to e-scooters where the battery is swapped, the global warming potential can be reduced by 12%. The lowest value of 46 g CO2-eq./km is reached if all possibilities are exploited and the life span of e-scooters is increased to 15 months. Comparing these emissions with those of the replaced modal split, e-scooters are at best 8% above the modal split value of 39 g CO2-eq./km.

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Author of HS ReutlingenKazmaier, Markus; Taefi, Tessa
Erschienen in:European journal of transport and infrastructure research : EJTIR
Publisher:Delft University of Technology
Place of publication:Delft
Document Type:Journal article
Publication year:2020
Tag:LCA; e-mobility; e-scooter; first and last mile connectivity; micromobility; shared mobility; urban mobility
Page Number:19
First Page:233
Last Page:251
DDC classes:380 Handel, Kommunikation, Verkehr
Open access?:Ja
Licence (German):License Logo  Creative Commons - CC BY - Namensnennung 4.0 International