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Current approaches for enterprise architecture lack analytical instruments for cyclic evaluations of business and system architectures in real business enterprise system environments. This impedes the broad use of enterprise architecture methodologies. Furthermore, the permanent evolution of systems desynchronizes quickly model representation and reality. Therefore we are introducing an approach for complementing the existing top-down approach for the creation of enterprise architecture with a bottom approach. Enterprise Architecture Analytics uses the architectural information contained in many infrastructures to provide architectural information. By applying Big Data technologies it is possible to exploit this information and to create architectural information. That means, Enterprise Architectures may be discovered, analyzed and optimized using analytics. The increased availability of architectural data also improves the possibilities to verify the compliance of Enterprise Architectures. Architectural decisions are linked to clustered architecture artifacts and categories according to a holistic EAM Reference Architecture with specific architecture metamodels. A special suited EAM Maturity Framework provides the base for systematic and analytics supported assessments of architecture capabilities.
Big Data und Cloud Systeme werden zunehmend von mobilen, benutzerzentrierten und agil veränderbaren Informationssystemen im Kontext von digitalen sozialen Netzwerken genutzt. Metaphern aus der Biologie für lebendige und selbstheilende Systeme und Umgebungen liefern die Basis für intelligente adaptive Informationssysteme und für zugehörige serviceorientierte digitale Unternehmensarchitekturen. Wir berichten über unsere Forschungsarbeiten über Strukturen und Mechanismen adaptiver digitaler Unternehmensarchitekturen für die Entwicklung und Evolution von serviceorientierten Ökosystemen und deren Technologien wie Big Data, Services & Cloud Computing, Web Services und Semantikunterstützung. Für unsere aktuellen Forschungsarbeiten nutzen wir praxisrelevante SmartLife Szenarien für die Entwicklung, Wartung und Evolution zukunftsgerechter serviceorientierter Informationssysteme. Diese Systeme nutzen eine stark wachsende Zahl externer und interner Services und fokussieren auf die Besonderheiten der Weiterentwicklung der Informationssysteme für integrierte Big Data und Cloud Kontexte. Unser Forschungsansatz beschäftigt sich mit der systematischen und ganzheitlichen Modellbildung adaptiver digitaler Unternehmensarchitekturen - gemäß standardisierter Referenzmodelle und auf Standards aufsetzenden Referenzarchitekturen, die für besondere Einsatzszenarien auch bei kleineren Anwendungskontexten oder an neue Kontexte einfacher adaptiert werden können. Um Semantik-gestützte Analysen zur Entscheidungsunterstützung von System- und Unternehmensarchitekten zu ermöglichen, erweitern wir unser bisheriges Referenzmodell für ITUnternehmensarchitekturen ESARC – Enterprise Services Architecture Reference Cube – um agile Mechanismen der Adaption und Konsistenzbehandlung sowie die zugehörigen Metamodelle und Ontologien für Digitale Enterprise Architekturen um neue Aspekte wie Big Data und Cloud Kontexte.
Der lokale Bekleidungseinzelhandel steht unter immer stärkerem Konkurrenzdruck durch Versandunternehmen. Zusätzlich bestehen durch gewachsene Architekturen eine Reihe von Wachstumshemmnissen. Daher sollen hier eine Reihe von Ansätzen zur Gestaltung datenzentrierter Unternehmensarchitekturen für den Bekleidungseinzelhandel vorgestellt werden. Sie basieren auf dem Einsatz von RFID zur Gewinnung von Kundenprofilen in den Niederlassungen und dem Einsatz von Big-Data basierten Auswertungs- und Analysemechanismen. Mit den vorgestellten Konzepten ist es Unternehmen des Bekleidungseinzelhandels möglich, ähnlich wie Versandunternehmen, individuelle Ansprachen des Kunden und Angebote zu entwickeln
A configuration-management-database driven approach for fabric-process specification and automation
In this paper we describe an approach that integrates a Configuration- Management-Database into fabric-process specification and automation in order to consider different conditions regarding to cloud-services. By implementing our approach, the complexity of fabric processes gets reduced. We developed a prototype by using formal prototyping principles as research methods and integrated the Configuration-Management-Database Command into the Workflow- Management-System Activiti. We used this prototype to evaluate our approach. We implemented three different fabric-processes and show that by using our approach the complexity of these three fabric-processes gets reduced.
Enterprises are presently transforming their strategy, culture, processes, and their information systems to become more digital. The digital transformation deeply disrupts existing enterprises and economies. Digitization fosters the development of IT systems with many rather small and distributed structures, like Internet of Things or mobile systems. Since years a lot of new business opportunities appeared using the potential of the Internet and related digital technologies, like Internet of Things, services computing, cloud computing, big data with analytics, mobile systems, collaboration networks, and cyber physical systems. This has a strong impact for architecting digital services and products. The change from a closed-world modeling perspective to more flexible open-world composition and evolution of system architectures defines the moving context for adaptable systems, which are essential to enable the digital transformation. In this paper, we are focusing on a decision-oriented architectural composition approach to support the transformation for digital services and products.
Revenue management information systems are very important in the hospitality sector. Revenue decisions can be better prepared based on different information from different information systems and decision strategies. There is a lack of research about the usage of such systems in small and medium-sized hotels and architectural configurations. Our paper empirically shows the current development of revenue information systems. Furthermore, we define future developments and requirements to improve such systems and the architectural base.
Potentials of smart contracts-based disintermediation in additive manufacturing supply chains
We investigate which potentials are created by using smart contracts for disintermediation in supply chains for additive manufacturing. Using a qualitative, critical realist research approach, we analyzed three case studies with companies active in additive manufactures. Based on interviews with experts from these companies, we could identify eight key requirements for disintermediation and associate four potentials of smart contracts-based disintermediation.
Presently, many companies are transforming their strategy and product base, as well as their culture, processes and information systems to become more digital or to approach for a digital leadership. In the last years new business opportunities appeared using the potential of the Internet and related digital technologies, like Internet of Things, services computing, cloud computing, edge and fog computing, social networks, big data with analytics, mobile systems, collaboration networks, and cyber physical systems. Digitization fosters the development of IT environments with many rather small and distributed structures, like the Internet of Things, Microservices, or other micro-granular elements. This has a strong impact for architecting digital services and products. The change from a closed-world modeling perspective to more flexible open-world composition and evolution of micro-granular system architectures defines the moving context for adaptable systems. We are focusing on a continuous bottom-up integration of micro-granular architectures for a huge amount of dynamically growing systems and services, as part of a new digital enterprise architecture for service dominant digital products.
Predictive maintenance information systems: the underlying conditions and technological aspects
Predictive maintenance has the potential to improve the reliability of production and service provisioning. However, there is little knowledge about the proper implementation of predictive maintenance in research and practice. Therefore, we conducted a multi-case study and investigated underlying conditions and technological aspects for implementing a predictive maintenance system and where it leads to. We found that predictive maintenance initiatives are triggered by severe impacts of failures on revenue and profit. Furthermore, successful predictive maintenance initiatives require that pre-conditions are fulfilled: Data must be available and accessible. Very important is also the support by the management. We identified four factors important for the implementation of predictive maintenance. The integration of data is highly facilitated by Cloud-based mechanisms. The detection of events is enabled by advanced analytics. The execution of predictive maintenance operations is supported by data-driven process automation and visualization.
Artificial Intelligence enables innovative applications, and applications based on Artificial Intelligence are increasingly important for all aspects of the Digital Economy. However, the question of how AI resources such as tools and data can be linked to provide an AI-capability and create business value is still open. Therefore, this paper identifies the value-creating mechanisms of connectionist artificial intelligence using a capability-oriented view and points out the connections to different kinds of business value. The analysis supports an agenda that identifies areas that need further research to understand the mechanism of value creation in connectionist artificial intelligence.