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How digital changed the music industry

  • This article aims to point out main changes of the music industry since the advent of the Internet and how the fashion industry can learn from it. Different factors are researched with a birds-eye perspective by conducting a literature review. The results are limited by the availability of sources and the implications are based on a theoretical foundation. For further research the conclusions drawn for the fashion industry have to be proven empirically. After reading the paper, the reader has rather an overview of the changed circumstances and how the music industry reacted than deep knowledge in each field. More specifically, this paper gives an overview of the changed circumstances due to digitalisation and how the music industry reacted within. As both the fashion and music industry have their similarities, they are limited in their comparability, since fashion products cannot be fully digitalized like a music record. The fact that the music industry had to reinvent itself rapidly to adopt new possibilities and chances results from the article. To make use of the sustainability trend and to build communities in order to include them in the creation process are the major suggestions for the fashion industry.

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Author of HS ReutlingenSträhle, Jochen; Köhneke, Lukas
Erschienen in:Fashion & music
Place of publication:Singapore
Document Type:Book chapter
Publication year:2018
Tag:digital; fashion; music; sharing economy; streaming
Page Number:21
First Page:201
Last Page:221
PPN:Im Katalog der Hochschule Reutlingen ansehen
PPN:Im Katalog der Hochschule Reutlingen ansehen
DDC classes:330 Wirtschaft
Open access?:Nein
Licence (German):License Logo  In Copyright - Urheberrechtlich geschützt