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Comparative Raman study of transparent and turbid materials : models and experiments in the remote sensing mode

  • The influence of turbidity on the Raman signal strengths of condensed matter is theoretically analyzed and measured with laboratory - scale equipment for remote sensing. The results show the quantitative dependence of back- and forward-scattered signals on the thickness and elastic-scattering properties of matter. In the extreme situation of thin, highly turbid layers, the measured Raman signal strengths exceed their transparent analogs by more than a factor of ten. The opposite behavior is found for thick layers of low turbidity, where the presence of a small amount of scatterers leads to a decrease of the measured signal. The wide range of turbidities appearing in nature is experimentally realized with stacked polymer layers and solid/liquid dispersions, and theoretically modeled by the equation of radiative transfer using the analytical diffusion approximation or random walk simulations.

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Author of HS ReutlingenBoldrini, Barbara; Rebner, Karsten
Erschienen in:Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry
Place of publication:Berlin, Heidelberg
Document Type:Journal article
Publication year:2017
Tag:Monte Carlo simulations; Raman spectroscopy; diffuse light scattering
Page Number:9
First Page:673
Last Page:681
DDC classes:543 Analytische Chemie
Open access?:Nein
Licence (German):License Logo  In Copyright - Urheberrechtlich geschützt