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Event marketing and attitude changes

  • The most important objective of event marketing is to improve the image of a brand or a company. The paper presents an image transfer model for event marketing. Based on current research, an image transfer model for event marketing is developed and the conditions required for an image transfer to take place from an event to a brand or a company are explained. Depending on which conditions are met, there are different consequences with regard to the image transfer from the event to the brand or company that are structured and characterized in detail. The image transfer model is developed against the backdrop of selected event types often used in actual practice. The focus of its application lies mainly in brand-oriented leisure and infotainment events directed towards external target groups. The model provides a discussion and analysis of the impact category of the image transfer in event marketing. The paper explains that the possibility of an attitude change is given within the context of event marketing. The presented model serves to structure the image transfer in event marketing. It is intended to illustrate the steps that are involved in the emergence of an image transfer as well as the resulting alternative consequences.

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Author of HS ReutlingenNufer, Gerd
Erschienen in:Journal of international business research and marketing
Document Type:Journal article
Publication year:2016
Tag:attitude change; branding; emotional conditioning; event marketing; image transfer; marketing communication
Page Number:6
First Page:44
Last Page:49
DDC classes:330 Wirtschaft
Open access?:Ja
Licence (German):License Logo  Creative Commons - Namensnennung