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Influence of addition curing silicone formulation and surface aging of aluminum adherends on bond strength

  • In spite of many studies, knowledge about the fundamental factors influencing adhesion between addition curing silicones and aluminum substrates is very limited. The aim of this publication is to evaluate the influence of the formulation and the surface state of the adherend on bond strength. For this purpose, the composition of an addition curing silicone was systematically varied and the effects on both material and bond properties were examined. Additionally, the influence of surface aging at different humidities (0% r. h., 34% r. h., 82% r. h.) of acid etch pretreated aluminum substrates was considered. It is shown that the mechanical properties of the silicone material can be easily adjusted over a wide range by changing the formulation. Although high tensile strengths up to 9.2 MPa for the silicone material can be achieved, lap-shear strengths remain moderate at approximately 3.5 MPa. Predominant adhesive failures show the limited adhesive strength of the basic formulation without additives. Basic ingredients of addition curing silicones without additives are able to reach a certain adhesive strength. However, this strength was quite limited and adhesion promoters are required to further improve adhesion. The humidity at which the pretreated substrates are stored has an overall minor influence on bond strength. Surprisingly, bond strength tends to increase with the storage time of aluminum substrates despite lower surface energies in comparison to freshly pretreated substrates. All in all, the storage conditions of aluminum had a rather small influence on adhesion, whereas the composition of the silicone adhesive strongly influences bond strength.

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Author of HS ReutlingenNagel, Julian
Erschienen in:International journal of adhesion and adhesives
Place of publication:New York
Document Type:Journal article
Publication year:2019
Tag:adhesion; aging; aluminum; formulation; lap-shear; silicones
Article Number:102424
DDC classes:530 Physik
Open access?:Nein
Licence (German):License Logo  In Copyright - Urheberrechtlich geschützt