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- Informatik (3)
- Hochschule Reutlingen (1)
- IEEE (1)
- Springer (1)
Rapid Prototyping Plattformen reduzieren die Entwicklungszeit, indem das Überprüfen einer Idee in Form eines Prototyps schnell umzusetzen ist und mehr Zeit für die eigentliche Anwendungsentwicklung mit Benutzerschnittstellen zur Verfügung steht. Dieser Ansatz wird schon lange bei technischen Plattformen, wie bspw. dem Arduino, verfolgt. Um diese Form von Prototyping auf Wearables zu übertragen, wird in diesem Paper WearIT vorgestellt. WearIT besteht als Wearable Prototyping Plattform aus vier Komponenten: Einer Weste, Sensor- und Aktorshieldss, einer eigenen bibliothek sowie einem Mainboard bestehend aus Arduino, Raspberry Pi, einer Steckplatine und einem GPS-Modul. Als Ergebnis kann ein Wearable Prototyp schnell, durch das Anbringen von Sensor- und Aktorshields an der WearIT Weste, entwickelt werden. Diese Sensor- und Aktorshields können anschließend durch die WearIT-Bibliothek programmiert werden. Dafür kann über Virtual Network Computing (VNC) mit einem entfernten Rechner auf die Bildschirminhalte des Rasperry Pis zugegriffen und der Arduino programmiert werden.
Engineers of the research project “Digital Product Life-Cycle” are using a graph-based design language to model all aspects of the product they are working on. This abstract model is the base for all further investigations, developments and implementations. In particular at early stages of development, collaborative decision making is very important. We propose a semantic augmented knowledge space by means of mixed reality technology, to support engineering teams. Therefore we present an interaction prototype consisting of a pico projector and a camera. In our usage scenario engineers are augmenting different artefacts in a virtual working environment. The concept of our prototype contains both an interaction and a technical concept. To realise implicit and natural interactions, we conducted two prototype tests: (1) A test with a low-fidelity prototype and (2) a test by using the method Wizard of Oz. As a result, we present a prototype with interaction selection using augmentation spotlighting and an interaction zoom as a semantic zoom.
Rapid prototyping platforms reduce development time by allowing quick prototyping of a prototype idea and achieve more time for actual application development with user interfaces. This approach has long been followed in technical platforms, such as the Arduino. To transfer this form of prototyping to wearables, WearIT is presented in this paper.WearIT consists of four components as a wearable prototyping platform: (1) a vest, (2) sensor and actuator shields, (3) its own library and (4) a motherboard consisting of Arduino, Raspberry Pi, a board and a GPS module. As a result, a wearable prototype can be quickly developed by attaching sensor and actuator shields to the WearIT vest. These sensor and actuator shields can then be programmed through the WearIT library. Via Virtual Network Computing (VNC) with a remote computer, the screen contents of the Raspberry Pi can be accessed and the Arduino be programmed.