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Interaction concept and system architecture for the sterile information system OR-Pad in the perioperative area

  • Access to clinical information during interventions is an important aspect to support the surgeon and his team in the OR. The OR-Pad research project aims at displaying clinically relevant information close to the patient during surgery. With the OR-Pad system, the surgeon shall be able to access case-specific information, displayed on a sterile-packaged, portable display device. Therefore, information shall be prepared before surgery and also be available afterwards. The project follows an user-centered design process. Within the third iteration, the interaction concept was finalized, resulting in an application that can be used in two modes, mobile and intraoperative, to support the surgeon before/after and during surgery, respectively. By supporting the surgeon perioperatively, it is expected to improve the information situation in the OR and thereby the quality of surgical results. Based on this concept, the system architecture was designed in detail, using a client-server architecture. Components, communication interfaces, exchanged data, and intended standards for data exchange of the OR-Pad system including connecting systems were conceived. Expert interviews by using a clickable prototype were conducted to evaluate the concepts.

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Author of HS ReutlingenFrommer, Sina; Ryniak, Claudia; Junger, Denise; Burgert, Oliver
Erschienen in:Current directions in biomedical engineering
Publisher:De Gruyter
Place of publication:Berlin
Document Type:Journal article
Publication year:2021
Tag:OR-pad; interaction concept; sterile information system; system architecture
Page Number:5
Article Number:20211124
DDC classes:570 Biowissenschaften, Biologie
Open access?:Ja
Licence (German):License Logo  Creative Commons - CC BY - Namensnennung 4.0 International