300 Sozialwissenschaften
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The purpose of this paper is to explore why men do not rent luxury fashion to explain why the demand for luxury fashion rental services for men is so low and to contribute to science by collecting high-quality data for the research fields gender differences in barriers to renting fashion, barriers to participating in renting luxury fashion in general and to increase the amount of data on men consumption behavior in the field of fashion and luxury fashion research. Furthermore, this study aims not only to make a theoretical contribution, but also to provide practical implications for the luxury fashion rental industry.
To answer the research question, qualitative semi-structured interviews with seven men were conducted, who are interested in fashion and spend at least 10% of their monthly net income on luxury fashion per month. Through a deductively-inductively category-based qualitative content analysis of the interviews supported by the software MAXQDA, not only were the reasons found why many men refuse to rent luxury fashion, but also characteristics were discovered that make luxury fashion rental services more attractive to men, as well as two fashion segments and a product category in which men can imagine renting fashion or luxury fashion under certain circumstances.
Men reject the concept of renting primarily because of the nonexistence of ownership, which has to do with loss of emotional value, loss of functional value, fear of social rejection, and identity concerns; other reasons include lack of individualism, lack of habit and their own subjective standards. Except for two outliers, the remaining men surveyed could imagine using a luxury rental service under certain conditions. The most frequently mentioned features were omnichannel approach, transparency of the entire rental process provided by reviews and feedback about both the borrower and the lender, information about the cleaning process, and proof of authenticity. Also mentioned was the maintenance of exclusivity and the fact that rental services should be offered directly by the company. In the convenience category, the purchase option and insurance were mentioned most often. In addition, some men could imagine renting event-related clothing, very trendy and expensive luxury clothing, and luxury watches. However, none of the respondents would give up owning clothes and primarily use the LFRS.
Value/Practical Implications
So that marketers do not have to go through trial and error to figure out which of these characteristics works best for which male target group, the work developed five types that can be targeted with selected characteristics and their marketing, and thus perhaps persuaded to participate in the LFRS. The social type needs the feature of maintenance of exclusivity, the emotional type needs the purchase option and an omnichannel experience, the flexibility type needs the same day delivery and free exchange possibilities, the cost-benefit type needs analytical tools to maximize his rental income or to calculate whether it is cheaper to buy or rent this particular item for this particular period of time, the rule-governed type needs an added value in addition to renting such as a top service.
Due to the growing importance of videos for B2B sales outreach, this study proposes an extended model based on the Corporate-Video Model by Büsching and Meidel (2016) and a qualitative survey with high-ranking company representatives. The findings comprise seven complementary categories: structure, communication, product display, information content, unique selling proposition, value-based selling, and dramaturgy of product videos. The model extension aids practitioners in analyzing and conceptualizing compelling B2B product videos.
The usage of webinars is witnessing a resurgence in popularity, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic. It is now revealing itself to be an actual shift in how buyers and sellers do business in the future. Therefore, this study aims to investigate whether webinars will continue to be a valuable tool in B2B sales in the future. Specifically, it aims to gain a deeper understanding of how the role of webinars evolved in recent years and analyze its future potential.
Webinars are an essential tool for a wide variety of different use cases. While they have been around for over a decade, webinars recently have seen a resurgence in popularity. As the COVID-19 pandemic strictly limited contact between people and made them work from home as an only option, hosting and participating in webinars has become more common than ever - whether in business, education, or leisure.
Webinars can be effective for various purposes as they are held in real-time and allow multiple engagement opportunities between attendees and hosts. Moreover, because of their remote nature, webinars are more cost-effective and time-saving in organizing and supervising. Consequently, it is cheaper and more convenient to reach your desired target group as a webinar host than to hold a seminar in physical form. Among other reasons, convenience and interaction seem to be the most potent aspects of cementing webinars as a tool in the digital world. Nevertheless, where exactly are they used, and how do they create value in their respective usage fields?
Customer Success Management is the next evolution in complex sales that drives growth. Moreover, Customer Success Management is a modern holistic sales philosophy and part of a professional customer experience management strategy. The following conceptual paper discusses fundamental thoughts based on value-based selling, customer success focus, and a clear view on a perspective beyond selling that will gain importance in the future.
Social commerce
The concept of “social commerce” refers to a synthesis of e-commerce and social media. Despite the rapid growth in users of and revenues from social commerce, so far little in-depth research has been conducted in Germany on this topic. The goal here, therefore, is to conduct schematic research of the literature and an online survey of German consumers to analyze the potential opportunities for companies.
Relationship between a high-performance work system and employee outcomes: a multilevel analysis
Although research on high-performance work systems (HPWS) is increasing, there are few studies in which the focus is on whether and how firm-level HPWS affect individual-level employee outcomes. Using social identity theory, we examined the relationship between HPWS and employee outcomes, and the role organizational identification plays as a mediator in this relationship. We used a multilevel research design and collected data at the organizational and individual levels from a sample of 485 employees of 32 companies in Guangdong Province, China. We used Amos 17.0 and hierarchical linear modeling 6.08 software to examine our hypotheses and the theoretical model. Results showed that organizational identification fully mediated the relationship between HPWS and employees’ job performance as well as that between HPWS and their turnover intention. Our findings provide new insights into the relationship between firm-level human resource management and individual-level employee outcomes, and highlight the importance of considering the implementation of HPWS practices to strengthen employees’ identification with the organization and improve their performance.
Der Girlboss Mythos : die gesellschaftlichen und ökonomischen Perspektiven der Gender-Debatte
Faktisch sind Frauen heute gleichberechtigt. Sie haben die gleichen Chancen, Rechte und Möglichkeiten wie Männer. Dennoch weisen maßgebliche Studien darauf hin, dass die Anzahl von Frauen auf allen Führungsebenen stagniert oder nur im Schneckentempo wächst. In der medialen Diskussion rund um das Thema Frauen im Management ist die Welt auf den ersten Blick in zwei Lager geteilt. Ein Lager stellt ernüchtert fest, dass Frauen selbst Schuld sind an ihrer Situation. Oft werden hier gerade erfolgreiche Frauen zitiert, die ihren Geschlechtsgenossinnen den nötigen Erfolgswillen oder die Opferbereitschaft absprechen. Das andere Lager scheint die Sachlage genau entgegengesetzt zu beurteilen. Überall gut ausgebildete, hochmotivierte Frauen, die an Glasdecken stoßen oder denen von der Gesellschaft im Allgemeinen und Männern im Besonderen die Türen versperrt werden. Dieses Buch trägt zu einer wissenschaftlich nüchternen Diskussion bei, um die aktuelle gesellschaftspolitische Situation differenzierter und abseits von abgegriffenen Dogmen zu betrachten.
Im Beitrag "Spektrum Migration" plädieren die beiden Autor/innen für eine Sicht auf Migration, die Mobilität und Präsenz in Beziehung zueinander setzt und als einen kulturellen Prozess versteht, in welchem Eigen und Fremd, Zugehörigkeit und Ausschluss, Identität und Ethnizität verhandelt werden. Vor dem Hintergrund des Empirischen Kulturwissenschaft mit ihrem Verständnis von Kultur und Alltag und ihrer Perspektive auf gesellschaftliche Ordnungen und Prozesse stellen Klückmann und Sparacio die Bedeutung von Beziehungen und besonders Kontexten, in die Migration und ihre Folgen eingebettet sind, heraus. Sie gehen davon aus, dass es die eine Migration nicht gibt, und plädieren daher für eine Konzeption von Migration am jeweiligen zu untersuchenden Gegenstand.
Der Band "Spektrum Migration" ist das Ergebnis der gleichnamigen interdisziplinären Tagung, die im November 2012 im Rahmen der 8. Tübinger kulturwissenschaftlichen Gespräche durchgeführt wurde. In ihrem Mittelpunkt stand das Interesse, gemeinsam über (kulturwissenschaftliche) Konzeptionsmöglichkeiten von und Herangehensweisen an Migration anhand von laufenden Forschungsprojekten zu diskutieren.
Dem Titel entsprechend entwerfen die zwölf im Band versammelten Beiträge aus der Empirischen Kulturwissenschaft und benachbarten Disziplinen ein vielschichtiges Panorama der Migration. In diesen verknüpfen die Autor/innen Migration unter anderem mit den Bereichen Arbeit, Familie, Erinnerung sowie Identität und veranschaulichen zusammengenommen die Vielfalt an Migrationen.
This paper establishes a unique linkage between economic and sociological theories. I study the root causes of the euro crisis from both perspectives. I find that resolving the euro crisis requires economic and sociological insights, particularly in respect to the design of European institutions, rules, and regulations. I develop a new paradigm in attempt to tackle the euro crisis. This paper demonstrates the importance of an interdisciplinary dialogue and how this may safeguard the future of the Economic and Monetary Union.