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Creating recommendations in an energy-efficient and safety relevant driving system while considering driver stress and driver reaction

  • Saving energy and road safety became important in the last decades, hence several driving assistant systems were developed that help to improve the driving behaviour. However, these driving systems cover the area of either energy-efficiency or safety. Furthermore, they do not consider the reaction of the driver to a shown recommendation and the driver stress level. In this paper, the decision process of showing a recommendation to the driver in an energy-efficient and safety relevant driving system is presented. The decision process considers the driver's reaction to a shown recommendation and the driver stress in order to increase the user acceptance and the road safety. The results of the evaluation showed that the driving system was able to show recommendations when needed, while suppressing recommendations when the driver ignored a recommendation repeatedly or when the driver was in stress.

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Author of HS ReutlingenMartínez Madrid, Natividad
Erschienen in:International journal of embedded systems : IJES
Publisher:Inderscience Publishers
Place of publication:Genève
Document Type:Journal article
Publication year:2017
Tag:advanced driver assistance systems; driving behaviour; energy-efficiency; safety; stress detection
Page Number:12
First Page:298
Last Page:309
DDC classes:004 Informatik
Open access?:Nein