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Influence of stress in driving behaviour

  • In the last decades, several driving systems were developed to improve the driving behaviour in energy efficiency or safety. However, these driving systems cover either the area of energy-efficiency or safety. Furthermore, they do not consider the stress level of the driver when showing a recommendation, although stress can lead to an unsafe or inefficient driving behaviour. In this paper, an approach is presented to consider the driver stress level in a driving system for safe and energy-efficient driving behaviour. The driving system tries to suppress a recommendation when the driver is in stress in order not to stress the driver additionally with recommendations in a stressful driving situation. This can lead to an increase in the road safety and in the user acceptance of the driving system, as the driver is not getting bothered or stressed by the driving system. The evaluation of the approach showed, that the driving system is able to show recommendations to the driver, while also reacting to a high stress level by suppressing recommendations in order not to stress the driver additionally.

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Author of HS ReutlingenYay, Emre; Martínez Madrid, Natividad
Erschienen in:XIV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing : MEDICON 2016, March 31st - April 2nd 2016, Paphos, Cyprus. - (IFMBE Proceedings ; 57 : SpringerLink : Bücher)
Place of publication:Cham
Editor:Efthyvoulos Kyriacou
Document Type:Conference proceeding
Publication year:2016
Tag:driver stress; driving behaviour; energy-efficiency; safety; safety, advanced driver assistance system
Page Number:6
First Page:1156
Last Page:1161
PPN:Im Katalog der Hochschule Reutlingen ansehen
DDC classes:610 Medizin, Gesundheit
Open access?:Nein
Licence (German):License Logo  In Copyright - Urheberrechtlich geschützt